Robbie's Journey (2)

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 Robbie watched as the people came out of the craft. 

He looked at Ilene and Nonac. 

"Are you there?" 

 Ilene nodded. 

"There we are", she said, pointing to the two figures emerging from the craft. 

 "Can we say hello?" 

 Ilene put her hand on Robbie's shoulder. 

"No, these are just images Robbie. They can not see us or hear us." 

 "Who are the other people dressed in black?" 

 "They are Coriums. They were our friends from another planet." 

 Robbie nodded, though he was not fully aware of what was happening, but he was fascinated. He did understand that this was something special. 

 The scene changed. It was late in the day and the sun was lowering on the horizon. 

There was a large fire at the edge of the shore and all the people who had been on the craft were gathered around the fire. 

One of the figures was standing in the water. The gentle waves splashed around his feet. 

 Robbie and his companions walked past those gathered and stopped a few feet from the figure in the water. 

 "What is he doing?" Robbie asked. 

 "He is giving thanks young Robbie. He is happy that they have found a safe place to begin anew." 

Robbie looked up at Nonac. There was confusion on his face. 

 "These people, our people, left a dying planet to find a new home for our people. Earth had just been created. We realized that it could sustain life, so we came here." 

 "Why was your planet dying?" 

 "Our planet was very old, young Robbie and it was ravished by wars and diseases. Our sun was dying too and eventually we knew it would explode and destroy all that was in our galaxy." 

 Robbie took a minute to digest what he had been told. 

"I think Nora, she's our teacher. I think Nora taught us about something like that. Our planet will die too, but she said it was like billions of years in the future." 

 "That is right young Robbie, but our planet had already been around for billions of years and its time was nearing the end." 

 Robbie noticed a podium on the beach between the figure in the water and the fire. It was transparent so Robbie assumed it was glass. Atop it was a book. 

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