December 25, 2008 (3)

33 12 3

Hours later, we finally got Whisper and Jenny settled down. They were in bed together, holding each other and crying.

Neither could really get a grasp on what was happening. 

Whisper kept wanting to go to Robbie, but I finally convinced her that he needed time with his family, so that they could explain to him what was happening.

"What is happening, Mommy? Why is this happening?

Aren't Uncle Bobby and Aunt Jess happy here? Don't they like us anymore?"

"Of course they like us," I explained.

"Its just that they feel Robbie needs to be exposed to new things. Things different from here in the Rock."

"Why, Mommy?"

I searched for the right words, but there were none, so I just told her the truth.

"I don't know baby. All I know is that Uncle Bobby and Aunt Jess feel they need to move away from the Rock for a while."

Whisper started crying.

"I don't understand why, Mommy."

She hugged into her sister, who was crying also.

I pulled a comforter over the two girls and kissed them.

I had to leave. I couldn't stand to see my two girls in so much pain.

Will stayed with them until Whisper fell asleep. Jenny assured him that she would stay with her sister.

Will joined me in the living room.

Zeke was asleep in the bassinet. I was sipping on a glass of red wine.

Will poured a glass and walked to the window.

"What are we going to do, Will?"

He turned and looked at me. After taking a deep breath, he suggested, "We could leave."

I shook my head, surprised by his answer.

"You would do that?"

Will nodded.

"I will do anything for my family."

"No, Will. This is our home. I love this place, even with all the madness."

Will looked out the window again.

The Angel was shining brightly on the gazebo.

"So do I, Eva, but if you wanted to leave, I would."

I got off the couch and walked to him. I stood by his side and put my arm around his waist.

"This is our home, Will. End of discussion. I could never leave here."

He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

We could see Alice and Israel in the garden, looking at us.

I laughed slightly.

"They know what is going on."

It was a half question and half statement.

"They are Spirits hun. They know."

We waved to the two Spirits. They waved back and disappeared.

I looked up at Will.

"No. A million times, no. As much as it hurts, I cannot leave our home."

Will hugged me tighter.

"But what about Whisper and Jenny?"

"They will understand," I said, not really believing what I was saying. And my conversation earlier, with Whisper cemented that belief.

"At least, I hope they will."

Will nodded, in silence.

"What about you, Will?"

He looked down at me and kissed me gently on the lips.

"I go where you go. I do whatever is needed to be done, to keep our family together and happy."

"I will miss them so much," I said, tears filling my eyes.

"I know, sweetie. So will I. But my family comes first and foremost."

I put the wine glass on the window ledge and hugged Will tight.

"But I cannot leave the Rock. This is the first place where I actually feel I belong. This is our home, Will."

"It is. Maybe in time, Jess and Bobby will change their mind and return."

I suddenly felt a ray of hope. A slight ray.

"Maybe they won't leave. Maybe they will think about what they are doing and they will change their minds and stay."

"Maybe," Will said.

He tried to sound hopeful, but I could hear a finality in his voice.

I knew our worst fears would come true.

We both did.

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