August 20, 2008

37 12 6

Zeke was an absolutely wonderful child. 

Whisper had been an amazing baby, but Zeke was even more so.

He rarely cried and he was fascinated by everyone and everything. He always reached out to touch people and within seconds he would be smiling. We never let people know he was basically checking them out, except for Bobby and Jessie, of course.

Bobby just sighed.

"Does anything around here ever be normal?"

It took a while for his other abilities to come forward and that is a story for another time.

One thing that was evident from the very beginning was the closeness of the girls to Zeke, especially Whisper.

She would sit with him for hours and talk to him, show him things, read him stories and even feed him.

One night I thought I heard Zeke crying. When I went to his crib, he was not there.

I know that most women would probably panic, in such a situation, but I was not like most women and I was surrounded by guardian Spirits.


'Yes Mommy.'

'Is Zeke with you?'

'He was hungry Mommy and he was wet.'

I put on a housecoat and walked to the living room. Whisper was sitting on the couch, holding Zeke and feeding him. Spirit and Ghost flanked her, on both sides.

Jenny was sitting on the floor, watching television. Power Rangers, I think. Thank the heavens for the 24 hour cartoon channel.

Whisper looked up at me and smiled.

"Zeke is all dry, Mommy and he is happy. I put the dirty diaper in the special trash bag."

"Zeke smells really bad," Jenny commented, looking at me and holding her nose.

Whisper rolled her eyes. "I warmed Zeke's milk for 30 seconds in the microwave, like you showed me and then tested it on my wrist."

I kissed her on the top of the head. "You did perfectly, my love."

I know most mothers would probably be freaking out, if their six year old daughter was babysitting her infant brother, but Whisper was no ordinary six year old. 

I peeked around the corner and there, sitting quietly, in an armchair, reading, was Alice.

I waved to her.

She looked up and smiled, turning her attention back to the magazine she was reading. Maxim, I think.

I looked back at my two girls.

"Don't stay up all night."

They both laughed.

"You know I don't sleep, Mommy," Jenny said, quickly.

"I know, baby, but little Miss Whisper does."

Whisper laughed, quietly.

"Mommy, you know that I can sleep whenever I want to."

I smiled and shook my head.

Whisper had the ability to fall asleep at a moment's notice and wake up exactly when she wanted to. And she always awoke fully alert.

I looked at Alice.

"You okay? You need anything?"

Alice thought for a second.

"I would love a tea."

I walked to her and hugged her.

She was my favourite Spirit, next to Jenny, of course. And the children loved her. Part of the reason I slept so well was knowing that she was always here, watching over my family.

If the secret ever got out to other mothers, that all you needed was a guardian angel watching over your family, so you could sleep. It would revolutionize the baby industry. Maybe there was a business in there somewhere.

I smirked at the thought and turned my attention back to Alice.

"You are a funny lady."

She looked at me, very serious.

"No, Eva, I am not joking. I would love a tea."

She closed her eyes and sighed.

I looked at Whisper.

"She really would, Mommy," she added, winking at Alice.

They both started to laugh.

I walked away, shaking my head.

"I am surrounded by comedians."

I heard them continue to laugh, as I walked down the hall, to my bedroom.

I loved my life.

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