July 27, 2013 (1)

42 11 6

For most communities, I would imagine that the meeting of the town councils is a largely ignored event. Most people do not take an interest in politics.

Unless you live in Maynard's Rock.

The regular monthly meeting, held on the last Sunday of every month, after church, was a community event that included a brunch buffet and drinks.

As I have said many times, Maynard's Rock's citizens would use any excuse to have a party.


Most meetings were trivial occurrences as there were rarely any major items to discuss, but every now and then....

Mayor Maynard smacked his gavel several times.

"I want to bring this meeting of the Maynard's Rock town council to order. Present is myself, Mayor John Maynard Jr., Deputy Mayor Will Templeton, human councillors Gerald Warren, Bobby Traverse and Tessa Collins and Spirit councillors Penny Morgan and Franklin Murphy."


Will stood up.

"Thank you Mayor Maynard. Firstly I would like to welcome new members Gerald Warren and Franklin Murphy."


There was a round of applause.


"Thank you and I would like to welcome everyone to this regular meeting."

Will picked up a piece of paper.

"Now we have quite a few issues to attend to so I say we get to it."


Will sat down again.

"Issue one ...

We have a request to allow smoking in all public places in Maynard's Rock."


Franklin stood up.

"It be the only pleasure I has and dere are a few dat gits a little pissed at me smokin' 'round 'em."


Mabel Maynard stood up.

"We just want smoking to be restricted to certain areas. Franklin smokes everywhere."


Will stood again.

"We have discussed this and propose that Franklin will be allowed to smoke in all public places but that human smokers are restricted to the pub and outside. Since Franklin is the only smoking Spirit we ask that an exception be made."


Captain Maynard stood.

"Not in church Franklin."


"Ok Captain. I promises dat I won't smoke in da church."


"Anyone opposed?" Will asked.


"I still don't like it," Mabel muttered.


"Are you formally opposing, Mabel?" Will asked her.


She shook her head.

There was no further discussion.


"Motion passed."

The Mayor smacked his gavel and the meeting continued.


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