August 7, 2009 (7)

37 10 12

 Jessie lay alone in the room.

Bobby had left to tell the others what had happened.

Outside a nurse taped a picture of a dove to the small window on the door.

Ilene stood at the side of the bed, where Jessie lay.

She put her hand to Jessie's face and ran her fingers through her hair. Her hair moved slightly.

"She is waiting for us."

Ilene looked up at the man in the room with her.

"I have been on this Earth for as long as there has been an Earth."

She looked back at Jessie.

"I have died and been reborn more times than I can even count. I have roamed the Earth as a spirit for thousands of years.I have been a wife, a mother, a grandmother and even a great-grandmother.I have loved many times and I have been loved many times.I have carried the flame for this planet and I have protected it."

"You need not protect it anymore."

"I know, but it is hard to let go."

"You do not have to. You can stay. No one can take that from you."

"I know, but this family...

these people..."

The man walked to her side and looked down at Jessie.

"They are special."

"Robbie needs his mother. He has so much to learn and so much that he will not understand. He needs her there to help him."

The man looked to the door.

"She is coming."

The man disappeared.

The door to the room opened and Whisper walked into the room. She glanced at Ilene and walked straight to Jessie's bed.

She pulled back the sheet slightly and put her hand on Jessie's chest.

She reached her other hand to Ilene.

"It is time."

As Whisper spoke she began transforming once again into the angel figure that had defeated Deark.

Jenny appeared momentarily by her side, but was drawn to her as the transformation continued.

Light began to swirl around Whisper's head. Like a halo it grew brighter as it circled her faster and faster, slowly moving down over her head, her face became a part of the light.

Her transparent wings grew from her back and swept forward, resting on the bed around Jessie's body.

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