December 25, 2008 (1)

48 12 9

Christmas Day.

We had a wonderful family morning. There were tons of gifts for everyone.

Even Jenny had a wonderful time.

She had become a very avid reader and we had managed to get a signed copy of her favourite series; 'The Para-Chronicles'.

It was a trilogy of novels by a writer named Robert Allen Tremlin.

Jenny had discovered him on the internet. Apparently he had several websites and a huge following of science fiction / fantasy readers.

Among them, Jenny.

Whisper was a fan as well, but not to the extent that Jenny was.

"He's Jenny's new boyfriend," Whisper would quip.

"She lovvveesss him."

Jenny would fold her arms and stomp off.

Will and I couldn't help but laugh.

Though everyone was happy with all the presents, Whisper still seemed a little off colour, so to say.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

"Nothing Mommy."

"Are you sure?"

She sighed.

"I am sure, Mommy."

"Don't you like your gifts?"

She nodded, but then looked at me strangely.

"You have your mind shut off, Mommy."

"Sweetie. We talked about that. Mommy and Daddy will only let you in our thoughts when we need to talk to you and you are only allowed to answer us. No probing our thoughts.


She let out another long, exaggerated sigh.

"I remember."

Will walked to the window and opened the curtain.

"Eva? What are Alice and Israel doing in the front yard?"

I stood up. "I don't know sweetie. What are they doing?"

We sounded like dialogue from a really, really bad B-movie. Obviously we would never make it as actors.

I walked to the window and joined Will.

"Wow. What is that they have with them?"

"I don't know honey. Whisper, come and see."

Slowly she got up and sauntered to the window.


She disappeared.

"Boots and coat young lady," I said, as quickly as I could, knowing what would happen.

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