June 1, 2013

50 12 9

 I was loading the dishwasher with the morning dishes when I heard the front door open. 


 "It's me Auntie Eva." 

A few seconds later Robbie bounded up the stairs to the kitchen and walked straight to me.

 "Hello Auntie Eva." 

 I bent over and gave him a hug. Robbie was growing like a weed and he looked so handsome with his new stylish glasses and his long hair.

 "Whisper is in her room getting ready. She should be out in a few minutes. You want anything?" 

 "No Auntie." 

He leaned against the counter and stared at me. I knew he had something on his mind.I poured a coffee and sat at the kitchen table. 

"Talk to me little man." 

 Robbie sat on one of the kitchen chairs next to me. 

"I have been having dreams." 

 "What kind of dreams?"

 "Dreams about strange people and spaceships and a book. A book they called the Elbib."

 "I'm sure they are nothing sweetie," I assured him. 

"They are just dreams." 

 "But they are the same dreams I had, when I was in a coma." 

 Now I was interested. Robbie had never mentioned any dreams he had while in the coma. 

 "Have you talked to your Mom and Dad?" 

 Robbie nodded. 

"They said the same thing that you did, but it is like I told them, these dreams were so real and Whisper was in them as well." 

 Now, I was really interested. 


 "Yes Mommy."

 I looked up. Whisper was walking into the kitchen. 

She went to Robbie and kissed him on the cheek. 

He smiled and turned amazing shades of red. 

Whisper laughed and took her knapsack off the hook on the wall. 

"Come on Robbie. We had better not be late for school." 

 Robbie got up and gave me a hug again. 

 "Bye Auntie Eva." 

 "Bye sweetie. We will talk again later." 

JourneysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora