December 26, 2008

35 12 4

We are still in shock.

Whisper will not leave her room. She sends Jenny out with requests for food and drinks.

I tried to talk to her, but she is broken hearted. Robbie is not only her best friend in the world, but she adores him.

Even though she pretends otherwise and pushes him away when he gets affectionate in public, I have seen them when they were alone together.

They are inseparable.

Whisper once told me that Robbie was the man she was going to marry when they both grew up.

Of course, she had to add, that right now he was just an immature boy.

That coming from a six year old.

I have tried to phone Jessie on numerous occasions, but she, obviously, does not want to talk to me.

I want to march over to her house, grab her by the shoulders and demand that she change her mind.

Will says to leave it for a day or two.

There are not too many 'days or twos' left.

Whisper even sent Jenny to Robbie's house, but Bobby sent her back home.

That in itself broke Jenny's heart.

Bobby is her favourite.

As for Will...

He simply sits in the living room, an arm chair pulled to the widow and stares outside.

I know he is hurting.

It is basically the only time when Will is quiet.

Why does shit always happen around this time of the year?

December 27, 2008

Whisper still won't leave her room.

Will is still in front of the living room windows.

I phoned Jessie 27 times today.

I left about a dozen messages, but then she must have turned off the answering machine and pulled the plug from the wall.

Now there is just dead air.

I cannot imagine life here without the Traverse family.

Jessie is my best friend and in all honesty I love her to pieces and I would fall into her arms in a second, if only she would talk to me.

Please Jessie, just talk to me.

December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve.

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