October 31, 2008 (3)

45 13 4

The children were at the town hall.

Will was standing on the stairs of the gazebo and looking out at the crowd that had gathered.

Everyone that had been on this very spot a year ago, was here again now.

But there were no guns.

No ominous darkness covering the horizon.

No demon like figures flying overhead.

No Deark rising above us, threatening to take us into a hell of eternal darkness.

There was a small fire burning in a portable fire pit near the gazebo and the gazebo was lit up with a simple string of white lights.

I joined Will on the stairs.

Will kissed me quickly and spoke to those gathered, both human and Spirit.

"I want to thank all of you for coming out here tonight to share this special moment. It has been one year to the day since that fateful night. I am sure it is a night that none of us will ever forget, human and Spirit alike.

It was a night when we all put aside our fears and shared a common ground and a common goal.

We are a very unique community here. The only one of its kind in the entire world. A community where the living and those who have left us, share the same space...

And share it with no fear."

I held Will's hand. There were tears in my eyes.

Will walked to the front of the gazebo and pointed to the ocean.

"It came from out there and it threatened to destroy all that we are and all that we would be.

But we defeated it.

All of us.

It was our strength and belief in each other that summoned the energy and power to be able to send the darkness back where it belonged and to set free the tormented and lost souls that had been lost within it.

We all watched as three young children harness the power that we all generated and turned that power back upon the darkness."

Will walked to the sheet hanging from the front of the gazebo.

He flicked a switch and light emitted from beneath the sheet.

"We all witnessed a miracle that night.

An angel.

She appeared before us and lit up the darkness with her presence.

She rose above the darkness and harnessed the energy created by all of us to destroy the evil that threatened us all."

Will pulled the sheet down.

"She will shine for us forever more."

The light was exposed.

There, on the front of the gazebo, facing out over the ocean, was a lifelike replica of the angel that Whisper, Jenny and Robbie had become. It glowed with a warm white light that seemed to radiate out over the cliff and gather in the very spot where the darkness once stood.

"She will be our beacon forever more and be a sign to all that is evil in this world;

You will not defeat us."

Everyone started clapping and shouting.

I went to Will and hugged him.

We all hugged each other, both human and Spirit, for this was our moment.

The light would never fade. As long as it faced the ocean and the darkness of the night, it would radiate.

A beacon of triumph over evil.

We all toasted the light and made a promise that as long as we all lived, we would gather every October 31st and give thanks to our guardian angel...

And to pray that never again, would we have to face such evil.


The party was the best one ever celebrated at Maynard's Rock.

I awoke later that night. Will was not in bed with me and Zeke was not in his bassinet.

I dressed and walked to the living room.

I could see Will at the gazebo. He had Zeke bundled in his arms.

"She looks like the angel in my dream Mommy."

I was slightly startled. I had not heard Whisper come into the room.

"Does she sweetie?"

Whisper nodded. "Exactly like her."

I knelt down by my daughter's side. "Do you like her?"

Whisper nodded. "Is she me Mommy?"

"What do you mean sweetie?"

"In my dream I saw her floating high into the sky and there was a bright light that came from her and the night was alive with brightness."

"It was just a dream sweetie," I tried to assure her.

"Then why did Daddy put the angel on the gazebo?"

I looked at Whisper for a long time. I knew if I opened up my mind she would know the truth. I did not want to lie to her.

"What do you think honey?"

Whisper looked out the window. Will was walking back toward the house and I could see Jenny with him.

"I don't think it was a dream Mommy. I think the angel is me."

I did not know what to say.

"It's ok Mommy. If the angel is me and my dream was not a dream then someday it will all come back to me. Maybe when I am older."

I hugged her. It was as though she sensed what I was feeling.

"I love you Whisper."

"I love you too Mommy."

Jenny appeared next to Whisper and I hugged her. Both of my girls walked down the hall. As I watched them disappear I couldn't help but wonder if Whisper knew more than she was letting on to.

I guess only time would tell.

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