August 6, 2009

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August 6, 2009

Time passes quickly.

Zeke is now one year old.

Unlike Whisper's 7th birthday, the entire village wants to get together and celebrate the first anniversary of the birth of what many consider to be the gift for ending the darkness.

Zeke is an amazing child.

Walking and talking and so full of life.

He brings smiles to everyone's faces.

He has not cried in 8 months. He never fusses. He sleeps 8 hours a night, takes his naps, and eats regularly....

He is so perfect, it is almost scary.

Of course he is our child and that in itself deems that something unique has to be a part of his personality.

Actually there are three things.

We are finally comfortable with the whole black eye, deep sleep thing and we all know to simply touch his nose and he closes his eyes. The ear thing doesn't bother us, as it is not so visible.

In this state, there is nothing that can wake him...

Except for the soothing voices of his family. We simply have to call his name.

But Whisper. Well that is another story.

She has somehow managed to be able to get into that deep state of sleep and gently wake him up.

When she does, he always greets her with a smile. He is so in love with his big sister.

You can see it in his eyes every time he sees her. His arms go out and she picks him up.

She is never too busy for her little brother and she loves playing Mommy with him, which gives Will and me a huge break.

Not that either of our children have been an issue and time alone is easy, especially with Alice, Israel and Ilene, who are more than happy to babysit.

I often joke to Will that if child services knew we were leaving our 7 year old daughter and infant son alone in the house, they would arrest us and throw away the key.

But then they are never alone and it is not unusual to come home to find a house full of Spirits.

Most are fascinated by television and music.

Go figure.

When Zeke was 6 months old he began to develop the ability to bring things to him. His favourite toys, baby cookies, books, among other things, began to mysteriously float toward his tiny outstretched hands.

Immediately we saw a problem. How do you explain to an infant the things that he can have and those that he can't.


Problem solved. Her ability to get inside Zeke's mind is simply amazing.

If Zeke tries to move something he shouldn't, Whisper knows and it stops.

Of course we have had a few broken glasses and dishes and even a roast found its way to the floor, but such are the issues we deal with on a day to day basis...

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