August 8, 2009

44 12 3

 I looked at the watch on my arm. I was after 2 a.m. 

I yawned slightly. 

 "You're tired." 

 I looked to the bed. Jessie was finally awake. 

She had been sleeping for several hours. Bobby had fed Ilene and I told him to go home. He went back to our hotel suite with Will, instead. 

 Will wanted to be with Zeke and to give Nora a break. I was sure he would fill her in on everything that had happened. 

I had grabbed a few hours sleep earlier when we went back to the hotel, but we all returned again around 6 so that Zeke could see his new cousin. 

 Jessie had been moved from ICU and now had a private room. Robbie was still in ICU. 

 I walked to the bedside. Jessie held out her arms and we hugged. 

 "Thank you Eva." 

 I pulled the chair closer to the bed and held Jessie's hand. 

"Why are you thanking me?" 

 "The way I treated you over the last few months." 

 I shook my head. 

"You are still my best friend. We just went through a tough patch." 

 Jessie smiled. 

"Is that what you call my being a total asshole?" 

 "Pretty much." 

We both laughed. 

 "I love you Jess. You are family. When I heard you had been in an accident, I lost it. Then Robbie too and then we all thought you had died."

 I started to cry. 

"I don't know what I would have done if you left me for good." 

 We both cried for about ten minutes. I went to the washroom and got both of us wet facecloths.

"Aren't we a fine pair?" 

 Jessie sat up and I helped her fix her pillows. 

 "I was gone Eva. I can't really explain it, but I remember taking a deep breath and there was nothing. No sound, no light; nothing. 

It is nothing like what you see in the movies. There is no light, no tunnel; there is absolutely nothing."

 I squeezed her hand. 

"It must have been terrifying?" 

 Jessie shook her head. 

"No. It was nothing. I felt like I was laying down. I could feel; no, not feel, assumed,... 

I don't know how to explain it." 

 "It's ok. You are here now, that is all that matters." 

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