August 17, 2013

101 10 20

Family game night, as always, was a wonderful bonding time for all of us. It was a regular occasion that we tried to implement every week. Everyone from both families attended and we always played games that all could enjoy.


Tonight we played charades. It was a blast.


Once Bobby and Jessie and family left, Will and I said goodnight to our clan. Zeke settled in right away, but we knew the girls would sleep when they felt like it. Part of what they were, was the fact that they needed very little sleep.


"No thought reading tonight young lady."


"I won't Mommy. Night."


I blew Whisper a kiss and walked down the hallway. Will was waiting with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Care to join me on the veranda for a nightcap?"


I took his hand and led the way. We sat in the enclosed area of the veranda. It was like a sunroom, totally made of glass panes. It was a wonderful place to look out over the ocean and not have to worry about bugs in summer or the cold in winter.

Will poured us glasses.


"To another successful game night and to the World Champion Man's team."


I clinked his glass.

"You guys cheat."


"Us? Never."


It was a beautiful night.

"I so love this place Will."


"It is our home hun."

Will sat forward.

"I almost forgot. We are having guests for breakfast tomorrow morning."


"I know. I invited The Traverse family."


"Then we will defiantly have a crowd." Will chuckled.


"What do you mean?"


"At the bar, earlier, I met Robert Tremlin."


"Really? He is actually here?"


"He is. He has another man and two women with him," Will informed me.


"And you invited them to breakfast?"


Will smiled sheepishly. I took the cell phone from my jeans pocket and pressed speed dial.

"Hi Jess. I will need your help in the morning."


"Oh he told you, did he? I don't know. Let me ask my husband."

I stared at Will.

"What time did you invite them?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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