June 10, 2013 (5)

34 12 3

An alarm sounded.

Gerald jumped to his feet, just as a nurse came, running, into the waiting room.

"It's the little girl," the nurse said, frantically.

Gerald started for the door.

"What is going on, "I screamed.

"Stay here Eva," Gerald yelled as he went through the door.

I passed Zeke to Elizabeth and ran behind Gerald. I saw him go into a room farther down the hall. Several other nurses and doctors followed.

I ran as fast as I could. I could hear Will behind me.

As I entered the door what I saw took my breath away.

Whisper was thrashing on the bed. Gerald and several others were doing their best to hold her down.

I felt Will's arms around me.

"What is happening?" I said aloud, watching in horror at what my baby was going through.

Whisper suddenly stopped thrashing.

There was silence.

All the machines hooked to Whisper stopped.

The room went deathly silent.

Gerald put his head to Whisper's chest and then took her little hand in his. I could hear him let out a long sigh and then he looked at me.

His look said it all.


I started to the bed.


Whisper was not breathing. Gerald put a stethoscope to her chest. His face was blank.

I looked at the machines.

There was nothing.

I looked at Gerald.

I looked at the other doctors.

I looked at Will.

He had tears in his eyes.

I looked down at Whisper.


I was numb.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't see properly.

The room was just a blur.


I felt someone by my side and arms around me.

My knees went like rubber.

I remember kneeling on the floor.

I looked toward the bed. My eyes were clouded by tears.

Why were all these people around my baby?


"Get away from her."

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