June 10, 2013 (1)

55 13 3

I was preparing breakfast for the children. Will was gone to Corner Brook to pick up a new guitar he had ordered.

It was just a normal Sunday morning.

"Morning Mommy."

I turned to see Zeke crawling up on his chair to sit at the table.

"Morning my little man. Where is your sister?"

Zeke laughed.

"Which one?"

"The one that should be here eating breakfast with you."

I put his plate full of pancakes in front of him and kissed him on the top of the head.

"Whisper is still in bed. She says she does not feel good."

I watched as Zeke brought his glass of milk to him.

"Sweetie no magic at the table please."

I was concerned. Whisper was never sick.

The maple syrup began floating to him.


The maple syrup stopped and rested on the table. I passed it to him.

"Sorry Mommy."

I kissed his forehead again.

"That's ok sweetie. Now eat your breakfast while I go and check on Whisper."

I knew as soon as I started walking down the hall that Zeke would use his abilities to bring things to him, but I didn't care at that moment.

I had to see Whisper.

When I opened the door the room was dark.


"Here Mommy."

Her voice was weak. I turned on the light. She was lying on her side, the blankets pulled up to her neck. I went straight to her and sat on the bed.

"What is wrong honey?"

"I don't know Mommy. I just feel funny."

I put my head on her forehead. She didn't feel warm.

"What do you mean by funny?"

She rolled over and looked up at me. Her eyes didn't look right and her face was pale.

"I just feel really tired. Like I can't do anything. It even feels strange when I talk."

I was starting to really get worried. I picked up the telephone on the night table near Whisper's bed.

I scrolled down the programmed numbers until I got to Gerald Warrens'. I pushed the button. The telephone rang three times.

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