August 6, 2008 (3)

45 12 12

Dr. Graham looked down at me.

"Give me Zeke.."

He turned to the nurse. "Get Dr. Kimble to the ICU. I will meet him there."

The nurse hurried off. Dr. Graham took Zeke from me. I was in tears.

"What is happening? What is wrong with my baby?"

Dr. Graham headed for the door.

"I don't know Eva, but I will find out."

The door closed, before he could get to it.

"What the?"

He turned to Will.

"Help me."


A woman's voice, very soft and calming filled the room.

Ilene appeared in front of Dr. Graham. Her hands were out.

"Give me the child, Doctor."

Dr. Graham never moved. Ilene took Zeke from his arms and walked back to the bed.

She kissed him on the cheek and put him back in my arms.

I suddenly felt calm again. The terror was gone from me as quickly as it had started. A special ability that Ilene had.

"Zeke is fine," Ilene told us, a huge smile on her face.

"But his eyes," I gasped.

Zeke's eyes were black. It was as if someone had taken out his eyeballs and replaced them with a black nothing. There was no reflection, no colour, no life.

"What is wrong with his eyes?" I practically cried.

"He is sleeping," Ilene said, calmly.


My voice was but a whisper.

"A very deep sleep. He is blocking out all the light and sound."

She looked at his ears.


I looked at Zeke's nearest ear. There was, what looked like a small membrane over the ear opening.

"But what if there is an emergency? How will he know?"

She took my hand.

"Put your finger near his eyes, Evangeline."

I started to move my hand toward Zeke's eyes. His eyelids closed immediately.

He was sleeping soundly, breathing normally.

I looked up at Ilene.

"What? How?"

"Now. Call his name, softly."

I did as Ilene asked. I watched in amazement, as the membrane opened, along with Zeke's eyes.

A huge smile came to my face, as I looked at Will.

"Did you see that?"

He simply nodded, as amazed as I was.

Ilene took a deep breath and nodded, the smile never leaving her face. "I was wondering what abilities he would have. That is why I did not leave."

"You have been here all along?" I asked her.

She nodded. "I've just been sitting in the corner. I wanted to be here, just for this very reason."

Gerald walked back to my bedside.

He shook his head, as he looked down at Zeke.

"This family never ceases to astound me."

Zeke's eyes and ears were closed again, as he slept.

Will nodded, the smile returning to his face.

Whisper floated up to the bed and sat next to me.

There was a knock on the door.

"Dr. Graham. Dr. Kimble is waiting for you in ICU," came the nurse's voice from outside the door.

"Tell him I will be there shortly."

He looked back at Will. "I had better go and talk to him and the nurse."

Zeke opened his eyes. They were normal. He started to cry.

"He is hungry and probably wants to be changed," Ilene informed me.

"Thank you Ilene," I said, reaching up to her.

She leaned down and I kissed her cheek.

"No problem. I think all will be ok now. I will leave you with your family."

Ilene disappeared.

Will walked over to the bed and hugged me.

"I'll get the nurse."

Gerald spoke up. 

"I will get her. You and Whisper go get something to eat."

I looked at Whisper and Jenny, who had just appeared.

"He will be fine girls. Your brother is going to be fine."

Both of my girls were smiling.

"I will see you all in the morning," Gerald said, once again heading for the door.

I gave him a smile, as I waved goodbye.

I looked down at Zeke. "You gave Mommy a scare young man. What other surprises are you going to have for us?"

Will kissed me again.

"You still want the tea and soup?"

I laughed.

"I would like something a little stronger, actually."

"I will sneak something in to you," Will assured me.

He held out his hand to Whisper.

"Come on, sweetie."

Jenny disappeared as Will and Whisper left.

I looked down at Zeke.

"You really are special, aren't you?"

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