October 31, 2008 (1)

36 10 14

A year has passed.

A year since the 'darkness' that tried to inhabit the Earth, was destroyed.

Destroyed by three little children and the Spirits of a long lost alien race.

A year since the tiny community of Maynard's Rock banded together and became more than community.

We became family.

Will was very quiet. Not like him at all. He sat on his chair at the kitchen table and sipped his coffee. His eyes staring out the kitchen window, toward the ocean.

Whisper walked up to him. As always, Will pulled out his chair and took his daughter on his lap.

"What are you thinking about Daddy? You have your mind turned off."

Will forced a smile. "Nothing that concerns you, little lady."

Whisper sat and stared at him. "You are sad Daddy."

I was sitting opposite Will and Whisper, feeding Zeke. Will looked over at me. I can't quite explain the look he had.

"Honey why don't you go and see what costume Robbie is wearing this year to the Halloween party."

Whisper let out a sigh. "He wants to be a pirate again, Mommy. I told him to be more original. He can be sooooooo boring, sometimes."

I had to smile. So often it was easy to forget that Whisper was such a young girl. She spoke like a teenager, without the attitude. She was very aware of everything and she had a 'handle' on her life and others as well.

She was perceptive beyond her years.

"What would you like him to be?" I asked, trying to take her attention away from her father, who obviously did not want to talk.

Whisper kissed Will on the cheek and got down off his lap.

"I don't know Mommy. I am going this year as an angel."

I was surprised.

"Why an angel?"

Whisper thought for a moment.

"I had a dream that I was an angel."

"When did you have that dream?"

Now she had my attention.

"Last night," she said, nonchalantly.

I looked at Will. His face showed surprise as well.

"Was it a bad dream honey?"

I was almost afraid of the answer.

Whisper shook her head. "It was beautiful Mommy. I was all dressed in white and my wings were like threads of silk that grew out from my body and joined together."

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