August 7, 2009 (5)

36 11 6

"You can talk here. These people are my family."

The doctor looked at Whisper.

"I don't think I should talk in front of the child."

"Oh shit."

I went to Whisper to tell her to close down her mind, but it was too late.

"Aunt Jessie has lost a lot of blood," Whisper stated.

"Her blood pressure dropped dramatically. She suffered a heart attack and her heart stopped for almost a minute. They were able to bring her back, but the doctor is afraid that if she has another heart attack, she could suffer brain damage or death."

Tears filled Whisper's eyes and she fell into my arms, her face buried in my shoulder. I held her tight and stroked her hair.

The doctor looked at Whisper, then at the rest of us.

"That is almost word for word what I was going to say."

Bobby sat down on the chair behind him.

"What are her chances?"

"I honestly don't know. There was a lot of internal bleeding. If she can survive the next 48 hours, she might pull through but there could be other complications."

"A number doctor, please," Bobby insisted.

"Maybe 40%."

Bobby's face went white and he slumped back in the chair.

A nurse came into the waiting room. The doctor turned to her.

"Please get me a sedative for Mr. Traverse."

"Right away."

"NO," Bobby yelled. "No."

Bobby sat forward again.

"If I only have 48 hours with my wife I want to be coherent."

The doctor nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am," Bobby quipped.

The doctor nodded.

"I understand."

"What about my son?"

"He is still in a coma. His vital signs are stable but we are concerned about possible brain damage. There is some deviance in his brain waves."

Bobby closed his eyes.

"When will you know?"

"We need for him to wake up to be sure."

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