Aug 16, 2013

44 9 2

The general store was filled with Spirits when Will and I walked in. John had called us to come down and help him control the Spirits.

John had issued a Spirit Curfew, as we lovingly called it. The curfew was to go into effect at 12 midnight tonight and last for an undetermined time.

"Please Penny will you help me here?"


"First I need to know why you have called the curfew John," Penny inquired.


John looked over at Will and myself as we entered the General Store. I spoke to Lilly and Tony and told them to go outside. I was certain that Tony would knock something over.


Will jumped up on the counter.

"People. Spirits. Please."


"Will bye. We jest wants to knows why da Mayor called a curfew on us. Whats did we do now?"


"Franklin just give me a few moments with the Mayor and I will have all your answers."

Will jumped down from the counter.

"Now please, will all Spirits wait outside while I talk with the Mayor."

He looked at me and pointed to Penny.


I took Penny's arm.

"Come on let's go talk to Will and John."


Penny turned to the others.

"Ok everyone. I will let you know what is happening just as soon as I find out. Now give us some privacy."


Penny had become somewhat a leader among the Spirits. She was the youngest of the Spirits. By that I mean she had been deceased the shortest period of time.

The Spirits trusted her because she was smart and she did have their best interests at heart.


John led us to his small office at the back of the store.

We all sat, except for Penny. Well she actually sat on top of a filing cabinet.


"Ok John what is going on? You know issuing a curfew can cause a riot here."


"I know Will, but I had no choice."


Penny floated down to the desk and sat on it.

"What is going on John?"


"I got a call a little while ago from a guy who wants to visit Maynard's Rock to do some research."



Will looked confused.


"What kind of research John?"

I was now curious.


"He says he is a writer and he wants to use the Rock as the location for his next story."


"John. We can't simply agree to every request by someone who claims to be a writer."

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