December 25, 2008 (2)

36 11 3

I could not speak. I looked at Will. He was in shock as well.

"I know this must come as a shock..."

I cut Bobby off. "A shock," I snapped. 

"I'm sick here. Why in the name of all that is good in the world would you want to leave Maynard's Rock?"

Jessie spoke up. 

"Eva, look at what has happened here. Do you not remember last Halloween?"

"Of course I do. I was there, remember?"

Tears were already building in my eyes.

"Jess, what ...."

"I'm sorry Eva, but I can't bring another child into this world. I want him or her to have a normal life."

"Normal? What the hell is normal Jess?"

I was getting mad or confused or hurt. I didn't even know what I was feeling.

Jessie stood up. "I am sorry Eva, but I don't want to fight with you about this. You seem upset."

Tears were now flowing down my cheeks. "Jess, you are my best friend in the world. I love you like a sister. You come here on Christmas day and tell me that you are moving away. How do you expect me to react?"

Will came to me and held me in his arms.

"Please Jessie. Sit."

"Will we are sorry, but we have thought long and hard about this."

Bobby picked up his drink and took a mouthful.

"After last Halloween we were terrified. We saw what Robbie and Whisper became.

This is not a normal environment to raise children in."

Jessie joined in.

"We live in a village full of ghosts. They are everywhere. There is no privacy, no normalcy. I just can't imagine having another child and exposing them to all of this.

In all honesty I don't know how you can do it."

I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Do what Jess?"

Jessie opened her arms.

"Live here."

"Jessie, this is my home. These people are my friends.

All of them."

"Friends?" Jessie quipped.

"There are ghosts everywhere here."

"And your point, Jess? This is not a new thing. You act like this is all new. My own daughter was a Spirit."

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