June 10, 2013 (4)

35 11 2

Whisper was getting excited.

"I have been having some strange dreams."


"Tell me about them."


"There was something out on the ocean. It was like a darkness, not like the night, but like a thick black smoke that was coming toward the shore. I could see lightening and hear loud claps of thunder."


"Were you afraid?"


Whisper shook her head.

"No. It was more like I was supposed to be there. I know there were other people there, but I don't remember exactly who."


"What did you do?"


"I was standing at the edge of the cliff; the one in front of our house. The darkness was getting closer and closer. I could hear screaming and there were strange creatures flying all around me. They tried to grab me, but for some reason they couldn't.

I remember the darkness was right in front of me. It yelled at me and told me that it was there to take me. It kept saying that I had to go with him.

I didn't want to.

I remember hearing Mommy screaming behind me, but I could not turn around. Something was pulling me to the edge of the cliff."


"Did that scare you?"


Whisper thought for a moment before answering. She got to her feet and looked at the sky.

"I remember thinking that I would like to see a blue clear sky. I remember thinking about warm summer days and playing in the garden with Robbie and Jenny. I remember thinking about Mommy and Daddy and how much I loved them and how sad they would be if something were to happen to me.

I only thought good thoughts.

I remember floating toward the darkness and I could see two red eyes staring at me and the voice that kept yelling, 'Come with me. You must come with me'.

I wasn't scared. Not for me. I was scared for the others."


"The others?"


"All those who were behind me. I could hear them. I could feel them trying to help me, but they couldn't.

I remember Robbie and Jenny were suddenly there next to me. They were floating just like I was.

They were smiling at me.

I remember they each held one of my hands.

The darkness screamed and I could see a face. It was ugly and evil and it kept yelling and trying to pull me in, but it couldn't."


Ilene was smiling. She stood next to Whisper.

"Tell me what happened next Whisper."


Whisper continued looking at the blue sky.

"The angel."

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