Start from the beginning

She must have noticed my plan because soon I received a nasty glare from her, but I could see the underlying teasing in her eyes.

Signing with a playful smile. you know you are supposed to wait until the cookies are baked right?"

I chuckled sheepishly, licking the residue off the spoon. "I just can't resist your amazing cookie dough," I admitted, knowing I couldn't argue with the fact that her cookies were worth the anticipation.

Juliet shook her head, but there was affection in her eyes. "Well, I suppose I can't blame you for that. Now, let's get these cookies into the oven before you eat all the batter!"

With a mischievous grin, I handed the spoon back to Juliet and watched as she carefully scooped the dough onto a baking tray. She expertly spaced them apart to ensure they would spread evenly whilst baking. The scent of melting chocolate filled the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

As Juliet popped the tray into the preheated oven, we exchanged a knowing glance. We both understood the importance of these little traditions, the moments of normalcy and comfort we carved out for ourselves amidst the chaos of our lives.

While the cookies were baked, Juliet and I took a seat at the kitchen table, chatting and sharing stories from the day. The warm aroma wafting through the room created a sense of warmth and familiarity, a brief respite from the harsh reality we often faced.

Finally, the timer went off, signaling that our beloved chocolate chip cookies were ready. Juliet carefully removed the tray from the oven, revealing perfectly golden-brown cookies with gooey chocolate centers. Their tantalizing aroma filled the room, beckoning us to take a bite.

We couldn't resist. We each grabbed a cookie, still warm from the oven, and savored the familiar taste that reminded us of happier times. At that moment, all the troubles and tragedies seemed to fade away as we enjoyed the simple pleasure of homemade cookies and each other's company.

The inviting scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, drawing the attention of the younger boys as the kitchen door swung open. Marco, with his infectious smile, was the first to approach the table, his playful nature evident as he waved enthusiastically.

"Cookies!" Marco exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with delight. Ignoring Juliet's subtle disapproval, he quickly grabbed a cookie, savoring the sweet treat.

Mateo, his serious demeanor softening, followed suit and joined Marco at the table.

Meanwhile, Nicolas remained distant, his arms folded across his chest, his face etched with suspicion. His gaze fixed on Juliet and me as if he were attempting to unravel some hidden truth.

I couldn't quite decipher what was going through his mind, but it was evident that he harbored a lack of trust toward us. The feeling was mutual.

"What are you guys doing here?" Marco asked with a mouthful of cookies.

"We were just enjoying some cookies and talking," I replied curtly. As Marco attempted to grab another cookie from Juliet's plate, she playfully swatted his hand away.

Marco pouted momentarily, and I noticed a twinge of guilt in Juliet's expression. She seemed about to offer him her cookies, but he quickly smiled at us, brushing it off.

"We were planning to play some games in the family room. Want to join us?" Marco asked, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Mateo extended an inviting smile, encouraging us to tag along, while Nicolas appeared hesitant as if he wanted to object. I was about to decline the invitation when I caught sight of Juliet's expression, and I paused.

I understood the significance of this moment for her, even if she would never admit it. She had always longed for a true family, especially after being secluded from the world, even from us.

Unable to resist Juliet's hopeful expression, I decided to put aside my reservations and accept the invitation.

"Sure, lead the way," I replied, mustering a small smile. Marco beamed at us and gestured for us to follow him to the family room.

 Marco beamed at us and gestured for us to follow him to the family room

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So I wanted to write a cute little moment for Scarlet and Juliet to go more in deep with their relationship hope you guys like it.

I also want more scenes of bonding especially with the younger siblings

Let me know if you guys have more suggestions I would greatly appreciate them

Any suggestions?
Don't forget to vote

Bye, loves♥︎

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