Comet 11 - Arm Intervention in the Republic

Start from the beginning

Miyuki; Thanks to JARVIS my Hecate is capable of shooting at a very large distance than ever combined with his calculations am able to take out Saachez at this distance without him even noticing.

Miyuki said as her Heacate was upgraded/modified while keeping it original parts though for her bullets were self made doing so will having no records on them so they would be trace back and as she said JARVIS was able to do the calculations on calculating the distance, air velocity, bullet deviation while travelling through the air combine with Miyuki's train gifted experience with a sniper on when and where she should be position to take out someone like Saachez since knowing the guy can has it advantages to take him out.

As Miyuki was waiting for the signal she was thinking back to the memories of the past from her happy moments to the moment to the day she saw her parents dies but thinking back she was grateful that she met Jude and told her who killed her parents but right now she is watching the battle between the Red and Blue Exia against Saachez's Enact with the former clearly winning but mostly on Jude's part as the Enact sustains more damage though as the fight continued on but the Blue Exia with Jude's Exia by its right side as the Enact right in front of them as the Blue Exia signals Saachez something but moments later Sestsuna got out his Gundam's cockpit and a few seconds later Saachez start got out of his Mobile Suit as well, as he got out he removes his helmet.

Jude Signal Miyuki for the kill is when Setsuna and Saachez were out of their cockpits, Saachez removing his helmet then pointed their guns against at each other as their fingers were on the trigger to have Saachez focus completely on Setsuna that's the time she shots Saachez.

After a few more seconds later Miyuki saw through her scope that Saachez aimed his gun at Setsuna while Setsuna did the same as the two of them slowly pulled the trigger with a deep breath and the time is all right she said.

Miyuki: In the words of Lockon Stratos "Sniping the Target"!

With that said she pull the trigger firing one of Hecate's bullet exits the gun as it soared through the sky then her target speaking of her Saachez still focus on the conceal face Setsuna ready to pull the trigger but suddenly for some reason in his perspective the world was spinning around then he blacks out.

As for the other perspective as Jude in his cockpit watching the face off between Setsuna and Saachez while looking at Miyuki who is already in position as the protege and mentor have their guns pointed at each other then slowly pulling the trigger and looking at Miyuki who fired her Hecate hit its mark due to being upgraded its firepower was high enough to blow off Saachez head off his body as both of the body and head of Saachez falls down on his Mobile Suit with blood splatter and coming out of his detach head and body.

Jude smirks from the inside of his helmet lookin at the now dead Ali al Saachez looking very triumphant seeing the cockroach dead on his own Mobile Suit as Miyuki contacts me.

Miyuki: Luv I will be going ahead and finishing off the rest of Saachez's current team in the area.

Jude: Sure Miyuki go ahead and join us back to finish the rest of the operation when you're done.

Miyuki: Understood also after this operation when we go to the safe where Jill and the others are can we talk in private.

Jude: Sure but first off are you going to be okay?

Miyuki: Yeah I'll just clear my head a bit by wiping out Saachez's current team here.

Jude: Sure go on ahead.

Back to Miyuki who now standing up with her sniper at her right side while facing ehr Gundam with the cockpit still open was still far away and in the air she hangs up her call from Jude as she cocks out the empty shell she use to kill Saachez with from her sniper grabs it while in air looks at the empty bullet casing for a moment and said to herself and curse to the now the dead Saachez at the same time.

Miyuki: That's for my parents and all of the other people you killed as well as the families you torn apart you damn monster.

Miyuki said as she slides down the visor in her helmet as her Haro controls the Cherudim's left arm bringing it closer to the cockpit as she enter back into the cockpit of her Gundam as the hatch closes she places back her Hecate and empty bullet casing on the left side flies to where Saachez's remaining team are hiding.

Jude looks through his Exia seeing the shocked look on Setsuna who was now looking at my Gundam for confirmation if one of his Meisters was responsible for it as Jude turns on his mic and answered.

Jude: If you're questioning if that was done by one of my Meisters then yes it is she had a personal grudge against the guy you just had a gun face off with who wanted to settle the score.

Hearing that Setsuna nods and goes back inside his Exia's cockpit and closes the hatch as he reactivates his Gundam as he take flight with Setsuna right behind Jude as they continue on with their Arm Interventions.   


SABER:Well guys Saachez is dead on this season but there will be worse than him and by the way I am co-writing with Zero_Kurogane2022 on this book and I hope you enjoy this and always thanks for the help Zero-San 

SABER:Well guys Saachez is dead on this season but there will be worse than him and by the way I am co-writing with Zero_Kurogane2022 on this book and I hope you enjoy this and always thanks for the help Zero-San 

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