Chapter 24: Crisscross/Mech & Forever Knight's Death

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3rd POV:

Now the Autobots find the other Autobots who are made it to the Earth and that's how they need to find more Autobots  were here and then (Y/N) was surprise to seeing them are here and then (Y/N) was made a surprise for himself that he meet two femmes who are interesting at him and these two new femmes who are fallen love with him....Windblade, and Maxima.

Windblade, and Maxima

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(Y/N) was like James Bond or someone else but these femme bots who are interesting about him and he was different than other humans but he had a feeling towards to the Cybertronian and respecting at them also helping the Autobots to win against the Decepticons. After (Y/N) was dating with the femme Autobots and they both were dating with him and showing him much around but they couldn't blush that they were jealous about (Y/N) was dating with the other Autobot females and they want to do the same thing by themselves....then (Y/N) was got a lot of attention on his head.

A Catfight between femmes and they both were fighting over for (Y/N) right away and they both were fighting over (Y/N) and then they finally decided to giving up and they are going to dating with (Y/N) right away like one by one. Then (Y/N) was dating with the other femme bots and having lot of funs and he just feeling alright like he doesn't want them to fight each others and killing too.

Time Skip Later.

Arcee: "(Y/N)....." She ask him.

(Y/N): "...." He was sleeping on the grasses by himself.

Arcee: "(Y/N), are you there? Wake up?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Arcee, why did you bothering my sleep?" He asked her and make him was opened his eyes out and he turn his head to look up at her who was staring at him down when he was sleeping on the grasses. Then she just giving him a smirk at (Y/N) and she seeing him was cute with handsome and she just touch the hair of him and face that she was seeing her own Sparkmate is sleeping right there.

TFP: Let There Be Carnage (Harem X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now