Chapter 5: Decepticon/Megatron's Return

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Huh...wonderful if he want it and he will have to take it...but he didn't know that I am going to kill him next." He said to them and make him was smile with an evilly.

Bumblebee: "And haven't you been listening? They're from another universe and also they come from the future too! They don't have a families and friends or anyone else but they don't exists around here!" He said to them with stated.

Bulkhead: "Yeah, so why not let them stay here until we can somehow find them a way home?" He asked them.

Arcee with her arms folded across her chassis just sigh out and she wasn't too thrilled about this was going. However, she had to admit Bumblebee did make a several good points. Besides they can't just send people away when they go nowhere else to go. Arcee was snuck a quick glare at (Y/N) the coat-clad anti-villain/hero. She hated admit, but something about (Y/N) was intrigued her. Was it his powers? Whatever it was, she didn't know. But it is hard for to tell.

Optimus: "I have no quarrel with the suggestion. But the choice is ultimately up to them." He said.

Miko: "Wait you mean both of us are going to stay here?!" She said in excited.

Jack: "No way, I don't want my mom was getting trouble about me being with the robots." He said.

Raf: "Well, he wasn't talking to you guys...but he talk to Mr. (Y/N) and Ms. Gwen over there....they both are tried to thinking about something." He said to the two teenage and make the kids turn their heads to look at (Y/N) and Gwen...the two of them turn their heads to looking at each others and he asked her.

(Y/N): "What do you think?" He asked her.

Gwen: "Don't ask got your own choice right?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was stood right there and he was thinking on his mind and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, I'm staying...." He said to the Autobots.

Miko: "Sweet! I want to touching those tools right there!" She said to herself and then Ratchet warn (Y/N), Gwen, and the other kids.

Ratchet: "Ep! Ep! Ep! You will not touching my tools! I have lost many due to the clumsiness of a certain wrecker." He said to them and glare at Bulkhead who was put a fake innocent face.

Gwen: "I'll stay." She said to the Autobots and so...they both agree to staying inside this place by themselves and (Y/N) with Gwen are going to learn more about this place and also the Cybertron planet also the Autobots and Decepticons right away and the Autobots learn to know much about (Y/N) and Gwen...except for (Y/N) that they learn about him was...deadliest dangerous who was a killing machine and he can rip with tear everything apart off and he can smash everything around here and he is a King of Symbiote/God Of Symbiote/King In Red.

Jack, Raf, and Miko want to heard the story of (Y/N) but he doesn't want to tell them about himself and he know they are fear afraid of him because...the power of symbiote make him become a monster and...devil. Then (Y/N) just don't want to talk to them about his story and flashback between (Y/N) and Ben.

(Y/N) was sighed deeply for now they were stuck here, for who knows how long. But at least they weren't alone in this. The Autobots will be there for them, despite what a couple of them thought of humanity. But (Y/N) was a good guy and he was a villain who destroy bad guys and aliens but he decided to change his right and do the right thing as a good guy.

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