Chapter 8: Darkness Rising Part 3

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3rd POV:

In Autobot Outpost.

It was morning at Autobot Outpost Omega-1. Inside the main ops centre, the only occupant present was Ratchet. The medic/scientist stood by a lab table, examining the sample of the purple goo through a specialized microscope.

Ratchet: "Thank Primus for peace and quiet." He muttered.

Ratchet: "House guests can be such a bother." He said.

Suddenly, Ratchet's attention was grabbed by the sound of metal hitting the ground. He brought up his helm and turned it from right to left, looking around his lab area. After seeing nothing unusual, Ratchet shrugged his shoulders off as nothing, before averting his attention back to the task at the hand.

Without warning, he heard the sounds of metal skittering across the floor, this time it sounded close.

Ratchet: "Optimus?" He asked.

As the gruff medic bot was turned around, he was met with quiet a shock. The same grappler tool that Bulkhead was skittering towards him across the floor like an insect. It was using its six servo appendages as legs while the purple centre appeared to be an optic.

Ratchet: "By the All-Spark." He said in surprise.

The spider-like tool jumped in the air, intending to land on Ratchet's face. But he quickly ducked, causing the spider tool to fly right by him. It landed on the catwalk above his lab, and let out a metallic hissing sound.

It then jumped on Ratchet's work table, attempting to attack him again. However, Ratchet hastily grabbed a metal and land a direct hit on the grappler. The spider-like tool recovered scurried across the work table, easily dodging Ratchet's blows.

It came towards his microscope and used its razor-sharp appendages to promptly cut it in half.

Ratchet: "I needed that!" He yelled out in anger and gritting his metal teeth.

The hissing tool then leapt int he air, on a path straight to Ratchet's helm. 

The hissing tool then leapt in the air, on a path straight to Ratchet's helm. Before it could though, a sudden blast from Energon hit the tool. Ratchet looked to his left to see Optimus standing there with his right energon blaster and shot the tool some how survived the blast and regained its bearings.

Neverheless, before it could cause any more damage, Optimus's giant boot-shaped foot slammed down on the tool and kill it.

Ratchet: "And stay broken." Ratchet quipped.

Ratchet: "Now...what would've caused that?" He asked himself.

Optimus shifted his blaster back to a servo as he allowed his a battle mask to open up, revealing his smooth facial plate.

Optimus: "I have a grave suspicion, Ratchet." He paused as he glanced down at the crushed tool.

Optimus: "Dark Energon." He said.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Decepticon.

Flying high in Earth's startsphere, amongst the morning clouds, was a dark, ominous warship that was none other than the Nemesis. Inside the room where the dark energon was stored, the warlord stood in front of the pillar the purple crystals.

Megatron exhaled satisfied sigh of relief as the last of the Dark Energon shared he stabbed in his chest, was absorbed into his spark. The former gladiator couldn't help but grin sadistically as he felt amazing, raw, dark power course on his veins.

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