Prologue 02: Teleport To Different World

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3rd POV:

In Ben 10's Universe.

Ben 10: "Vilgax....this is over." He said to the most villain for what he was stood right there and make him just stood right there and he was using the Ominitrix prepare for the fight at this motherfucker. A man with brown hair and he was wearing green white t-shirt and he had a brown cargo pant also he was wearing an ominitrix with him and it is on his wrist...the man who was facing lot of aliens like him and he was bring them back to the cells and capturing these bad guys for what they done.

the man who was facing lot of aliens like him and he was bring them back to the cells and capturing these bad guys for what they done

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Ben 10.000.

Ben: "Your madness was end here." He said to Vilgax and make the big alien destroyer who was stood right there by himself with his height is 8 foot tall and make him was stood right there by himself and he was gonna fight the legend of hero...Ben 10.000 by himself. When Vilgax was came here for him and take the Ominitrix because it is belong to him and Ben won't let him tried to do and he won't let this son of bitch destroy him and this world too.

Vilgax: "Is that so, Tennyson?" He asked Ben.

Vilgax: "Is that so, Tennyson?" He asked Ben

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Vilgax is an intergalactic demonic alien warlord and conqueror that seeks to obtain the Omnitrix.

Vilgax is a muscular squid and demon-like alien. His appearance is mostly similar to his Original Series counterpart; however, he has red veins across his arms and his mouth is visible. His tentacles are also darker at the ends.

Vilgax believes it's uncultured to use its tentacles for fighting, preferring to keep his power controlled. He only using it when he's irritated at his enemy.

Vilgax is a master strategist and will think of alternate ways to get things that he wants, such as tricking his enemy, if physical force isn't enough. He's a very convincing liar and will do whatever it takes to get to his goal, even teaming up with unlikely people such as Dr. Animo.

Vilgax has seemed to learn a lot after his numerous battles with Ben, such as learning to ignore his quips and how to counter most of his alien roster. Ben so far has needed to rely on pure power or something Vilgax has never tackled before, such as Omni-Enhancements, to defeat him.

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