Chapter 25: Cuckoo in the Nest

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I suppose that you can guess where I am? Bingo. I'm in the Throne Room, reading and drinking, once more. Only this time, I can hardly get through a page with The Count laughing and reading me something funny from his newspaper. Anyway, things stay that way until my husband suddenly appears by The Count's side.

"We have gotten him!" said Vlad, smiling a slight smile on his face. Is he talking about Malik?

"Who?" said The Count, so confused, but no explanation was given, even when Vlad zooms to my side, grabs my hand, and leads the two of us out the room. He takes us down into the lowest room of Garside Grange. Vlad places us just behind a corner to a room where a conversation is taking place.

"You can't back out now!" said Elizabeta, talking to Malik. "We came here to destroy the Draculas."

"You did." said Malik. "I finally found my father. I have a family. Do you know what a big deal this is?"

"Your father's the cheating rat who abandoned us!"

"If you hurt my dad, I will dust you."

"You will regret this, Malik!" All of a sudden, a big beam of yellow light races around the corner and whooshes past us, which sends a gust of wind our way and it flies up the staircase. Almost immediately afterwards, Vlad takes me by the hand and leads me into the room, surprising a now shocked and devastated Malik, but when his eyes land on me, all specks of color become drained from his face and he panics.

"Who was that?" said The Count, pointing in the direction of where Elizabeta went.

"My mum." said Malik, deeply sighing. I knew it all along.

"That thing was Elizabeta? Well, she really hasn't aged well."

"She's a shapeshifter." said Vlad, keeping his death glare on Malik. You can't work with someone, who is bound to work against you and your whole family. "He has been working with her to try to dust us all." I feel like I was right about him and his mother.

"Is it true?" I said, asking him. But on the inside, I already know the answer as well as him being a traitor to his own family.

"Yes." It didn't break me at all. "But I have changed my mind." I let out a weak laugh, but The Count is thinking about it for a moment. Is he really going to consider this?

"You can't trust him!" said Vlad, yelling at him. "He is a ruthless killer with no morals!"

"That is why you need me on your side." said Malik, taking a step towards The Count. What is he talking about? "With Mum after your blood, you are going to need all the help you can get."

"Bertrand knew about dark forces," said Vlad, standing in the middle of the Blood Bar. Malik is sitting at a table. Erin is leaning on the counter. I'm sitting on one of the barstools. The Count is getting himself a drink from Renfield.

"Hmm, shame somebody staked him." said Erin, giving Vlad a dirty look.

"Actually, that was Mum." said Malik, looking at me nervously. I already know what he is talking about. So, I'm not that shocked, but I am mad. "Bertrand was onto us, so she tricked Vlad into staking him." Elizabeta did this. She made Vlad stake Bertrand. It's a good thing that I didn't faint at all. Malik looks down on his lap, just sitting there. "She also knew that he was Vlad's tutor." What? "We both knew that. That is partly the reason why she wanted him gone, so that those closest to Vlad would leave him." I don't know what to do, but I suppose that the only thing I can do now, is hunt this shapeshifter and end her.

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