Chapter 9: Therapy

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Vlad has been gone for an entire week

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Vlad has been gone for an entire week. We've heard nothing from him. No messages, no nothing. He simply vanished. Right now, The Count is flying away, searching for his son. Bertrand searched too. As did I. But being new to this sort of thing, I could not go very far. As of right now, me, Bertrand, and Ingrid are seated in the Throne Room, waiting for The Count to come back. Speaking of Ingrid, ever since Bad Vlad sent her outside to die via sunlight, it's like her mind broke. She won't speak to anyone, she won't eat, she won't come up with evil plans, her hair's a mess, and her eyelids are always dripping. I don't know what to do to make her feel better.

Right on cue, a small bat flies around the room until it turns into a puff of gray smoke and transforms into The Count, who looks so devastated.

"Any sign of Vlad?" Bertrand asks as The Count sits on his throne.

"I have searched the length and breadth of five counties and nothing." He answers. Why can't we find you, Vlad? He turns to the tutor. "You're back early. Did you search properly?"

"I assure you..." He gets cut off.

"You assured me you'd be a good mentor to my son, so why has he felt the need to go missing for a whole week?" I wish I knew the answer, so these two can stop fighting over this. Then, the door opens and in comes Renfield wheeling a tray. Leaning forward in his seat, The Count continues to blame Bertrand. "If anything happens to him, the Vampire High Council and I will hold you entirely responsible."

"Perhaps, I could go out and post some lost posters on some trees." said Renfield, suggesting it to him.

"This is my son! Not some missing doggy!" said The Count, so angrily. Poor Renfield. He was just trying to help.

"Thanks, Renfield." I said, thanking him. "But unfortunately, lost posters won't work." The man just nods and starts to place things from his tray onto the table, but then notices Ingrid's state.

"Is Mistress Ingrid alright?" He asks the three of us.

"I don't know." said The Count. "I haven't seen her for weeks." I get irritated at that statement.

"She's right here." I point out, motioning to Ingrid. The Count takes a look at her.

"Oh, well, I don't care." Of course, he doesn't.

"Ah!" Renfield exclaims, making me jump. "Almost forgot. Miss McCauley wants to see you. She's worried about Mistress Ingrid." At least, someone other than myself seems to care.

"Why is there no rest for the wicked?" The Count groans, standing up and whooshing downstairs. Then, Renfield goes too, after putting all the plates in their respectful places. The whole room is full of silence, and I'm completely fine with that.

"I'm sorry." Bertrand mutters to me. And now, I'm not fine.

"For what?"

"For shouting. I shouldn't have treated you like that." Why is he apologizing for that ? I mean, it wasn't very nice at the time, but... Oh, it doesn't matter now. There are more important things to worry about.

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