Chapter 27: Fight or Flight

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It has been one whole year since Garside Grange closed down

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It has been one whole year since Garside Grange closed down. I already had my baby girl last year. Me and Vlad are happy with her. We dealt with Elizabeta, Malik, Erin, Ramanga and Adze. We left our baby girl with my family and The Witches' Council since I didn't want to put her in danger.

The Count had an epiphany. Everything that has happened hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that as long as we had enemies, Miss McCauley and the students would never be safe, so he fired every teacher, sent a letter to every parent, and closed the school down for good.

The Vampire High Council and The Slayers Guild agreed to a ceasefire when the crime rates went up on both sides. More of each kind were getting killed every day because of the hatred the leaders held against each other. At long last, without Vlad's help, they came to an arrangement and crime is now at an all time low.

Speaking of Vlad, he has been away for the year. He has gone around the world, visiting each vampire clan, and helping them control their blood lust. He has been called to various meetings with the very few leaders, who continue to try and convince Vlad that biting is the vampiric thing to do and how it is bad to go against their own instincts. Luckily, Vlad's more convincing. However, The Count has been complaining about how awful it is that his own son just up and left him. He also thinks that this expedition is just a facade to get over Erin.

The Count's behavior has changed a lot. He continues to drink from his cellar and he occasionally tries the odd blood bar concoction, but above all of that, he finally came around to Vlad's way of thinking. He even contributes to peaceful coexistence by finding street fangs and giving them those classes that Vlad, Bertrand, and I used to give.

Ingrid has changed her behavior just as much. She's still the same old Ingrid, but she has been less like her old, Ingrid self ever since The Count has actually been spending time with her. They've gotten a lot closer and it's nice to see that.

What else? Oh, yes. Wolfie unfortunately had to leave us when Magda decided that she wanted him back. I talked to him for a long time about what he truly wanted without any distraction or words of encouragement from his mother, but he finally decided that he wanted to go with her. I almost forgot about Zoltan. He died in an accident after trying to beat Renfield in a game of Truth or Dare. Renfield decided to dare him into throwing himself off the roof and surviving, as he has done before in Transylvania when The Count was upset with him, so he decided to do the deed and he smashed into pieces on the concrete. Me and Vlad buried him just outside the school on a patch of land. I also have a Polaroid picture on my wall of me, Vlad, and Zoltan from when I first moved to Garside Grange. We found a camera in one of my boxes and we took our first picture, but they didn't realize the flash was going to be so bright, so the photo is just me smiling while they were making weird faces and rubbing their eyes.

Last but not least, Bertrand. I held a small funeral for him on my own. The Count and Vlad insisted on being there, but I declined. I just wanted it to be me and his spirit. I still have his ashes in a small urn, and I even put some symbols that represented him on it. I also buried the staff that he used for training with Vlad. The funeral was so calm and quiet. I said a few words and I recalled some memories with a smile and laugh. It was nice and I know that he would have liked it.

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