Chapter 14: The Good, The Bad, & The Undead

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Things have changed drastically

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Things have changed drastically. Vlad continued his plan for peace. We've set up blood banks all over the world for starving vampires to keep them away from feasting on humans. In each part of Earth, there are clan members that work on building the blood banks.

The Count is still in love with Miss McCauley, but he'll never admit it to anyone.

Me and Vlad are still boyfriend and girlfriend, so we are inseparable. No one can tear us apart. Even though we are each other's soulmate.

Bertrand is still pestering Vlad about his peace plan and nothing has changed except he has grown a beard now.

I don't have a reflection like other vampires do, so that's what makes me different from the other vampires. My 16th birthday came and went by so fast. I ended up gaining more powers. I can manipulate fire, air, ice, water, and earth. I can read minds and I can also turn into any animal I want.

I don't have any nightmares about staking Sethius and the good thing is that Vlad is never going to know, because only my family knew about it. I felt so good about it.

It's a quiet, starless night. A few cars here and there, but it's not noisy at all. I am in my room, reading Romeo and Juliet. Jonno is on our side, but his mom is the leader of the Slayers's Guild. She could order them to attack all of us one day. I transformed into an eagle that way I can meet up with Vlad and the others.

Meanwhile, someone has caught the police officer's attention by doing graffiti around the buildings. He has brown floppy hair and brown eyes. He is also wearing a black leather jacket.

"I'm arresting you for criminal damage. Although, I think your blind use of color is much a graver crime." said the police officer, talking to him.

"You really hate it that much?" said the mystery boy, asking him. "I could do it in pink, if that floats your boat. I preferred red myself, but I'm all out of red. Guess I'll just have to use blood instead." He flashes his fangs at him, along with his gang by his side.

"Stay back!" said the police officer, pulling out a baton to protect himself.

"Oh, watch out, everyone. He's got a stake." said the boy, so sarcastically. "Oh, wait a second. It's got a rounded end. I'm arresting you on suspicion of being O positive. You don't have to say anything, but it is much more fun if you scream." He starts leaning towards him with his fangs out, but a stake comes between them, which hits the wall.

"Easy. Could have had my eye out." said the boy, so jokingly as he provoked the slayers. "We know the new rules. No biting, no slaying. Remember nothing. Job done." The police officer leaves.

We come out of the shadows, but they don't see us, especially when they charge at each other. A slayer dusted a vampire.

Vlad jumps and presses his palm down into the ground, causing it to shake and everyone else to fall on the concrete except me.

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