Chapter 6: Blood Thief

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Someone is in the Blood Cellar

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Someone is in the Blood Cellar. A dark clothed figure grabs a bottle from the case, holding it in the right hand and a soy substitute in the other hand. Using a funnel and a tube, the figure pours the substitute into the vintage blood bottle, replacing the blood and putting the bottle back in place, waiting for any poor vampire to drink the contents and spit them out in rage. The figure turns around and lets the hood of their jacket down, uncovering their face, revealing to be Ingrid.

She had a plan to frame Erin for stealing out of the Blood Cellar, but what she didn't know is that I caught her in the act. I was going to let Ingrid do her thing, because every time I see Vlad with Erin, my heart boils with hatred. Erin deserves to leave Vlad's life.

Suddenly, I heard The Count roaring in anger from upstairs. He must've drank some of the soy blood that Ingrid used to replace his blood bottle. I went back to my room and got dressed for the day. The Count wanted to talk to all of us.

We went down to the Throne Room. We are currently sitting down at the table as The Count taps his fingers on the arm of his throne, peering at all of us.

"You are all suspects." said The Count, so suspiciously. "Well, except for Renfield, obviously, because he's a filthy breather."

"Oh, thank you very much, master!" said Renfield, so excitedly.

"And Wolfie, because he's too young to drink blood. You two, including Kalinda, may go." said The Count.

I left the room while Renfield and Wolfie stood next to The Count.

"Might I suggest you put a guard on the place, sir?" said Renfield, giving him an idea.

"Good idea!" said The Count, so happily. "Wolfie, guard the Blood Cellar. Don't let anyone in, or you'll be out on your rear!"

"Master, all that pup does is bark and scratch himself..." said Renfield.

Vlad, Erin, Ingrid, and Bertrand are grounded until the real culprit is found, but they find out it was Ingrid, who did it. Vlad saved Erin from getting burned. Even though she isn't a half fang. Me and Vlad realized that there are a lot of people who want to get rid of Erin. I'm not jealous of her because I know Vlad loves me. Ingrid is going to school with us, but I know she will go to school to corrupt the breathers.

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