Chapter 1: Hide and Seek

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Vlad's POV

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Vlad's POV

Four years.

It has been four years since Ingrid's takeover of Stokely.

Me and my dad had managed to escape from Ingrid's clutches. We collected our stuff and went into hiding. We lived in the shadows for a while, trying to think of a plan until my dad had an idea.

He bought a school named Garside Grange. It was quite big like a castle and had a large attic, so we placed ourselves at the top of the school. Most students don't know that vampires exist. Vampires hide in the shadows, waiting to take a bite out of their victims.

I was sleeping in my room until I had a vision of Ingrid getting chased by two vampire slayers and I woke up, hitting my head on the coffin. I really had to stop dreaming about my sister, Ingrid. I put on my Garside Grange school uniform and went to the Throne Room only to find my father sitting at his throne, reading a newspaper.

"Ah!" He exclaims when he sees me. "Good morning, Your Highness. I trust the Chosen One slept well."

"Give it a rest, Dad." I sighed at him, sitting at the table and placing my school bag next to me. I go to school to fit in. Besides, I never finished any classes at my old school. I guess some lessons on Geography won't kill me.

"I don't care what you do during the day. But at night, you should be hunting with me. Two bats out looking for blood." said Dad, lecturing me.

"There's no way I'm ever turning into a bat." I said, so disgusted by it. "It's disgusting and it's not natural."

"There is no greater feeling." said Dad, looking up at the sky as he remembered the good times. "Flying high above the earth, the wind under your wings, the moonlight on your back."

"You're a flying rodent. What's fun about that?" I said, asking him.

"It's not about fun. It's about training you to become the Grand High Vampire. Next year, when you come of age, you need to be ready." said Dad, warning me as he straightened his newspaper. After a few seconds of reading, his eyebrows go north and his jaw goes south.

"What's wrong? Coffin prices gone up?" I said, guessing it. I was probably right on that as well.

"Stokely Castle has..." Dad stammers, trying to find the right words. "B-b-burnt to the ground." I didn't want to believe my dad about the burnt castle until I saw the picture of it being burnt.

"The Dracula residence," I started to read. "Stokely Castle was burnt to the ground yesterday. There are unconfirmed reports that the eldest daughter, Ingrid..." Please, don't tell me that my older sister is dead.

"Perished in the flames." I finished reading, unable to move as my dad stared off into space.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." said Zoltan, so sympathetically. He wasn't exactly Ingrid's number one fan.

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