Chapter 55: Butterfly Theory

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Mini's PoV

"Vaarush Maurya...

My first and one and only love..."

As the Arth rewinded the movie, to start the movie from first, my thoughts also rewinded, to the memories and emotions I have kept suppressed and secret in my heart.


Long Long Long back...

It was 2014, when Om Shanti Ooshana created rampage in the romcom genre. So, impressed by the positive talk and rampage, even though, we don't know the language torturing Maansi's dad and my dad we got the movie's CD, with English subtitles.

We watched the movie, with full concentration as if the UPSC questions are be from the movie.

After watching movie, where Maansi akka was busy in admiring the screenplay, acting and actor's performance, I was busy in thinking about Pooja's Butterfly Theory in the movie, where she says about butterflies and love of life.

But don't know why, I was strongly connected to the movie and Pooja's character in the movie. May be due to the similarities I found between me and Pooja character.

I was the same Tomboy and Dad's girl. I barely stepped into the kitchen like Pooja and listened to my mom.
And don't even ask about the chaos I do...

So, even I am determined to have a love my life, as the one Pooja found herself, with the same logic of hers...

That butterflies...

After watching movie, I had only one aim of my life...



Kanipetteda naa butterfly raaju... Repatiroju...

(I will find that Butterfly fellow of my life... Tmrw...)

Singing and determined to find that butterfly man, I slept off. And next day, with double excitement, I started my day...

So, to find that butterfly guy, I almost went face in face with every male student in my class and locality...

But found none...

Then after indirectly asking and finding about that butterfly feeling, I came to know, we can even feel so, if we love of our life touches also...


Why not this way !?

I thought, but again reality hit me hard, that I almost wrestle with every boy in my neighborhood, in name of fighting for batting and any other stupid reason....

But not even once, I had butterflies...

Huh !?

Amn't I girl?

Amn't I straight?

Ah ? Am I lesbian? That's why aren't I feeling any sort of attraction or butterflies towards any boy ?


No ..

I don't like girls or feel attracted towards them...

I am not Lesbian...

OMG !!!

Am I asexual ?

Thinking all this, I slid on the handrail, habitually rather than putting my foot on poor steps...

But suddenly, hearing a loud noise from TV6, my grip and friction was lost on handrail and I was supposed to hit the floor and flatten my face, but a hand surrounded my waist and held me right and stopped me falling down.

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