Chapter 31:Possessiveness and Pain

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Is Mini still under threat...?

Maurya's brain clenched with the quest and opened his holy water case and started drinking trying to analyze Varna's article adding one more night to his sleepless night count...

He turned on his specially made hologram and immersed himself in looking at Varna's pics in that, sipping Scotch with his red and semi-teary eyes

He rubbed his tears when a notification from Shakti pinged him...

$ Sir, open the investigation room $

Maurya opened the door with a question mark face, as it was 2 AM

 Shakti just gave an awkward smile and reminded him that they have to check the CCTV 

Even Maurya recalled it and both started to check on the CCTV for any unethical or wrong happenings... But they didn't find any...

"Sir, what about CCTV near the green room area...?" Shakti asked to know what happened to his Shiva that, she just slapped and ran away when he went to return her bracelet which fell down during her dance...

Maurya rewarded him with a "Are you out of your senses..?" look

Shakti gave an innocent look and blinked his eyes

"Sir, To know if something is wrong there...No bad intension..." Shakti explained his motive to Maurya

"No, there when we tried to arrange CCTV, whatever the angle we keep, the visuals inside the green room started to record, so I asked the team not to keep CCTV there and allotted female security to check on the place..." Maurya answered 

"Oh...! K sir.." Shakti said and started to think about what might be the reason for the rude behavior of Akshi...

But the reason for her rude behavior was amidst oh his henchmen who were enjoying the dancer's dance and seduction of call girls

For all that, JN was just intoxicated by the drug of Akshi's beauty... and was only looking back at the moments when he saw Akshi and her beauty...

Noticing it, JN's friend, who is also their business partner, coaxed him into his senses and asked him why he was so...then JN revealed to him about Akshi...

As a matter of course, JN's friend asked him to share her with him too by sending her to him for a night...

JN's friend just completed his sentence and a broken piece of alcohol bottle slit her throat...

JN was bristling in rage, JN broke another bottle on her head and took the broken piece, and pierced it into his friend's eyes screaming

"Did you wish to see my exclusive property with your these bloody eyes...?" He pierced the broken bottle into his eyes and the place which was tuning to the party moments ago had a whale time with the brutal torture.

His henchmen and guests who witness these types of tortures every day, felt a chill running along their spine from the terror dripping in JN's eyes...

And the call girls and dancers were trembling in shiver for the scenes in front of them...

"You bastards never dare to eye on my possessions...Especially, my chick...She is exclusively born for me ...Born to please me...GOT IT..." JN shouted crushing his friend's throat and feet under his shoe...

Everyone there nodded yes and were staring at him scared...

JN didn't say anything and stood like that for more than 1 hr. Even everyone was the same for the past 1 hr.

JN's prime henchmen thought to cool his rage which ignited due to a girl with the girl itself and signaled a call girl to cool and seduce JN, but she denied being scared of JN's rage...

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