Chapter 42: No lesser to a Robot

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Jr. Doctor heaves a sigh and runs to Chief doctor cabin and informs that the trio has left.

Cheif doctor rubs his temple and takes the medical reports from Jr. Doctor and telephones someone.

"Hlo Doctor" The other person speaks

Doctor asks Jr. Doctor to leave and starts speaks

"Yes Mr. Chakri. Your son has left the hospital without collecting his reports. " Doctor replies

Mama rubs his temple and says

"Is there something important you have to instruct him that you are particular about the reports ?" Mama answers

"Yeah!! You know the therapy we gave was risky. But even though it gave positive results on him. We shouldn't forget that when he got unconscious someone tried to kill him giving him a drug of amphetamine and PCB. Glad that we noticed it and saved him end minute.

But he is still not out of danger, the minute traces of the drug are left in his plasma and they will be triggering him to become aggressive.

He would react wildly, even for small reasons. We have to keep him calm and ensure dopamine levels didn't come down else, the left drug traces would turn him into a beast.

And moreover, he will be haunted by pre-cognitive dreams." Doctor said

Mama closed his eyes and groans

"Pre-cognitive dreams ?....

I think they are not the thing to be worried alot. They are just dreams, those tell about future " Mama replies

"Yeah...Just dreams.... But not in the case of your son.

Those dreams have ability to change his fate.

The amphetamine and PCB traces in this body, may trigger him to be aggressive and react wild for real to the situations in his dream. " Doctor says

"Mmm....Then don't we have any treatment for this?" Mama asks

"Your son has to decrease stress of his present prevailing life. He has to stop being aggressive. But the drug traces won't let that happen.

So, practically that's challenging to keep him out of the pre-cognitive dreams.

So, it's better to him to accept that and turn the troubling ones into his touchwood." Doctor suggested

Mama was really distressed listening to the doctor but he didn't say vent it out rather thanked doctor for giving updates and cuts the call.

He leans back deliberate out his son.
He can help and arrange the doctors, for the physical injuries, what about the mental injuries of his son ?

His son himself should be the one to fight them back and heal them.

Mama breathes heavy and starts to listen alpha music to calm down himself.


The trio reaches the sub jail and as the case is related to CBI, even the culprits are treated with much respect.

Shraddha was jailed separately from rest of people, the food provided to her, was untouched and the plates were laying nearby.

Sharddha was just staring forward.

Even while, they took her to jail, she remained emotionless.

Now, they took her to interrogation and Nikhil, Shakti go in to the room.

Maurya stays back and starts to observe them through 2-way mirror.

Shraddha's behaviour was damn odd to him.

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