Chapter 32: Missing!!!

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Shakti reaches home by the time Maurya and Nikhil return from their gym session.

"Eedendi soggadi lekka ellinodu Sad song esukuni return ayyindu..." Niki said seeing Shakti

(Is this the same guy who went there will full swag...? What happened to him...? Why is he so sad...?)

Maurya didn't reply anything but noticed eyes of Shakti that were filled with guilt and guessed that Shakti would have unknowingly he would have hurt Akshi and he is feeling guilty now.

Maurya decided to meet Akshi once, and know if she is comfortable with Shakti. And he also decided to keep Shakti away if Akshi isn't comfortable with Shakti, else he would allow Shakti to continue his trials.

He was about to go back but Shakti's mobile rang and he was informed that they got the census report, but they can't send it as they didn't find any trustworthy person.

So, they asked Shakti to come tirupati by himself and take that.

Maurya listened to him and replied that they would all together to go tirupati for checking the files and also see the highway CCTV footages for any clue when Varna was murdered.

Niki, Maurya, Shakti freshened up and started their journey to Tirupati.
Due to Niki's fun Shakti got normal, niw they both were cracking jokes together on Maurya who was driving the car.

Maurya sighed and concentrated on driving. This time Maurya and Niki were careful enough and they covered their faces with Masks and entered the tirupati control room.

And recieved the files and started to analyse them.

Every census report has the difference of around 100.

Mortality was 10

Natality was 310

Maurya sensed that some thing is definately wrong with the census and they started to tally out the people individually.

And found out that around 200 people in previous census didn't account in the next census.

Maurya and Co got suspicious in that regard, checked the census reports of 60 yrs only to get astonished

In the first 4 decade's census reports they found people missing from different age category, but since 2 decades mostly teenagers and early adolescents population declined.

Maurya breathe hitched knowing it, since if this trend continues the village race would definately end.

But, where are the missing population was the million dollar question?

As even no missing complaint was lodged regarding the missing people...


Delhi CBI Central Jail

The execution procedures of K. Minister's son began with his sign as Arjun Ram SK

Arjun was informed about the plan priorly by one of his father's man who works in the department.

He was already wearing a vest which has hook and the executors would attach the noose up to the hook and his head his safe. But as he has already consumed the liquid, which would result in temporary pause of vital organs...

The doctors team check him and declare Arjun as dead and take the body to cremate

They place the dead body into a ambulance and in midst of security they head towards cremation land.

But in midst, the security team ahead and after the ambulance stuck up in Punjab smoke and the Arjun's body is replaced by the dead body of doppelganger by Abhi's team.

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