Chapter 24:Chaotic Chandu and Jataara commences

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I was looking mesmerized at the idol of goddess Sunkalamma, which is glowing in chroma of Orange... To be specific Sindhuraa tint...

And idol was serene and brave at the same time... I joined my hands and prayed to her reciting Gayatri Mantra, which Granny taught me this morning...

Listening to the drums, songs, and a few folk musical instruments, I came out and stood in front of the temple entrance beguiled by the music and divine vibes...

Author's PoV

After Chinna Saavukaru ie., Chandu's grandpa and grandma performed pooja for ornaments,the offerings,  Buffalo..

Chandrahas Reddy broke the pumpkin by circumambulating it in air around the women carrying the jyotulu pot and the poturaajulu etc....  to destroy all the evil eyes and the upcoming troubles in the way of procession...

The procession starts a midst of fireworks and drumbeats and a few men and women who are married and childless or have any wish unfulfilled or just by devotion pour water mixed with turmeric, rose petals all the way their own hands from pots... Believing that the women carrying jyotulu carry their wish directly to god and themselves, being a form of the goddess also grant their wish too...

The women and unmarried girls circumambulate around the village and their farms collectively, while potaraaju, folk music players, drummers, and a few persons in the attire of god and goddess precede, join and follow them...and the Buffalo that's gonna be sacrificed was following the women at the end of procession

Even without caring the stones, thorns piercing their barefoot, drenching the land, which is their mother,livelihood and the graveyard with the blood oozing out Akshi along with other women, girls enter the temple premises...

Chandu who was fed up staying with his grandpa and paaleru tata, came running towards Akshi when he sees her...

"Acchu..." Chandu joins her and starts to walk along with her...

Akshi just smiles as she will be reciting Varuna Mantra and slows her pace so that she can hear the chatter of this Chaotic Fellow...

"Acchu... You know what happened in yesterday's Math class..." Chandu started his chatter

Akshu waved her eyebrows asking what happened, unaware that she even waved the emotions of JN with her eyebrows...

"Lucky Mawa(His Maths teacher) class unde ninna... Notes check chesta annadu..." Chandu started saying...

(Yesterday, I had Lucky Mawa's class...and he said he would check our notes...)

#I will write it in dialogue format


MT:-" So Mr. Chandrahas R, why didn't you bring your notebook ?"

Chandu:- "Sir the reason is COW".

MT:- "What? Cow...How?"

[Everyone giggled]

Chandu:- "Okay! So I was waiting for my school bus and I had that notebook in my hand but.."

MT:-"But what thought the bus won't be able to bear the weight of that notebook? Huh?"

[Everyone giggled ]

Chandu:- "But then a cow came up

[ MT intercepted again..]

MT:- "And the cow stole your notebook and ran away?"

[ whole class laughed]

Chandu:- "No..the cow started mooing in front of me and I thought that the cow was hungry..."

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