🔵 The search [Bbangnyu]

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The Gryffindor searched everywhere but no matter where he searched, he couldn't find the Ravenclaw he's been longing to see. He looked for him at the Great Hall, the library, the Astronomy tower, and even at the Ravenclaw tower.

Nothing. Nada. The Ravenclaw was no where to be seen. The Gryffindor felt like giving up but then he suddenly remembered the fact that he was a Gryffindor. Gryffindors don't give up, definitely not when finding the love of their life.

He continued his search, asking different people along the way if they saw the Ravenclaw anywhere. "I haven't seen Chanhee. Sorry, Younghoon." Said Sangyeon, Younghoon's fellow Gryffindor. Younghoon thanked him sadly and left.

He then asked Changmin, a 5th year Slytherin he inevitably befriended since he and Chanhee were close, being in the same year and all. "Chanhee? I would be with him if I knew, wouldn't I?" Changmin says with a tone, but he means well.

"Haven't you seen him anywhere today?" Younghoon asks, hoping to get answers to be a few steps closer to finding the boy. Changmin shook his head. "You better tell me if you see him, got that?" Younghoon nodded and left once more.

He then asked another person if they saw Chanhee anywhere. "I'm sorry, Younghoon. Neither of us have seen Chanhee anywhere!" Jacob says, his tone was apologetic. "Last time I saw him was during potions. We had free period after." Kevin pipes up.

"We didn't see each other after potions then we had lunch. Haven't seen him since." Younghoon thanked the two and left. One last person. One last person and he would just wait for Chanhee to show himself, Younghoon said to himself.

"Juyeon, how are you?" The Hufflepuff looked up from his book and grinned at the boy. "Doing good. What's up? First time I saw you alone without your little raven following you around. Or is it the other way around, you following the raven?"

The both of them laughed. "Speaking of my raven," Younghoon emphasised the word 'my' since, was Chanhee really his if their label wasn't official? "Have you seen him? I've been looking for him everywhere and yet, he's not there!"

Juyeon shook his head. "But I can help you look for him. I'm just packing up by books, I can help you search." Younghoon let out a squeal of joy, only for Juyeon's ears to hear. "Thank you so much! You're a life saver, you know?"

The Hufflepuff disagreed, only wanting to help a friend. The two of them roamed around the castle over and over again. Juyeon made sure to keep up a conversation so that Younghoon wouldn't start to get sad about not seeing Chanhee.

He'd ask about his day, what subjects did he wish would just screw themselves, and even who he thought would win this year's House Cup. "I swear, if I have to make one more 7 feet long essay for History of Magic, I will kill Professor Binns again."

Juyeon laughed, agreeing with the Gryffindor but didn't outwardly say so. "You can do it. You're smart!" Juyeon says, comforting the boy. "You're just saying that... But thank you, Juyeon." The two continued to walk around.

"We've looked everywhere!" Younghoon exclaims. "It's hopeless." Juyeon didn't want him to give up. Looking around, he spotted someone he believes might know where the Ravenclaw was hiding. "Sunwoo! Can you come over here for a moment?"

Younghoon stopped whining as the 4th year Slytherin walked over with his best friend. "Hi, Sunwoo. Hi, Hyunjun." Juyeon greeted the two Slytherins. Younghoon waved at them, not verbally greeting them since he didn't know them.

Both Slytherin boys's faces looked stoic, void of emotions. Without any emotion shown on their face, it looked like they were glaring at them. That honestly freaked Younghoon out a bit but Juyeon didn't look even the least affected.

"Do you perhaps know where Chanhee is? 5th year Ravenclaw." They looked at each other, not saying a word. "Why should we tell you?" Hyunjun says, crossing his arms at them. Younghoon was ready to tell Juyeon to give up but Juyeon looked unbothered.

"Perhaps you two have seen him. I know you both know everyone here, that's what Eric told me, at least." At the mention of their other friend, a 4th year Gryffindor that Younghoon has interacted with a few times, they broke.

Sunwoo told them about some students still using the potions lab even though no one had potions at the moment. "Perhaps he's there, being a Ravenclaw and all." Juyeon thanked the two boys and promised to repay them.

"Nice Juyeon strikes again." Juyeon blushed. "Your niceness will take you places, places even powerful wizards can reach." Younghoon laughed as Juyeon slapped his arm with no real strength. They headed to the potions lab.

A few people with robes were crowding around the lab, almost all- if not, all of which had blue robes. Ravenclaws. "Chanhee!" Younghoon exclaims. Chanhee, who was hunched over a cauldron, looked up and had the hugest smile on his face.

He waved over for them to come closer. "Hi, Younghoon." He says, voice soft and kind. Younghoon returned the smile. "Hi, Juyeon." Juyeon waved back. "Nice to see you here." "Younghoon needed help so I helped him."

Chanhee's smile turned from joyous to one of admiration of Juyeon's selflessness. "What a mighty fine Hufflepuff you are, aren't you?" Juyeon slapped Chanhee's shoulder. "What were you doing here anyways? I've been looking everywhere."

Chanhee turned to face Younghoon and at least had the decency to look apologetic. "I needed to perfect this potion, as well as find out if there was any possibility to shorten the waiting time from 4 hours to at least 30 minutes."

Ravenclaws. "Don't make me search all over for you again, ok?" Younghoon mutters into Chanhee's hair. Chanhee tensed a bit before relaxing and nodding. "I'm sorry. I forgot about lunch and meeting you afterwards."

While the two were having their moment, Juyeon watched at the sidelines. He was smiling, seeing the two reunite after a long day. He was glad he was able to help them find each other- "THE POTION IS GOING TO EXPLODE!"

A/N: I just wanted to push my Ravenclaw Chanhee and Hufflepuff Juyeon agenda somewhere-

This has been the longest time I haven't opened Wattpad- omg 😭 I've been busy with school recently 😩


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