🔵 Shot at the Wrong Court [Junew]

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A/N: I'm feeling quite angsty cause of stuff (aka the inspo for this oneshot) but not angsty enough to kill someone off

btw- I'm one of the friends not one of the love interests (incase you Tangerines get the wrong idea)

Prom was fast approaching and Juyeon knew that. With just 60 days left (yes, Juyeon counted), he had quite a tight deadline coming up for what he was planning to do. I'm guessing everyone could guess what he was planning to do.

If you think of prom, what comes to mind? Dresses? Party? Dates? Well, all of those things were what Juyeon thought of as well. But of course, just like everyone single person out there, the thing that he thought of the most was date.

He needed a prom date and he knew exactly who to bring. There's no better person to bring as your prom date than your own significant other. With that being said, there was no better person for Juyeon to bring than Choi Chanhee, the love of his life.

The two of them were quite a shocking couple. No one really expected them to get together but when you see the two of them with each other, it just makes sense. You won't see Juyeon without Chanhee and you won't see Chanhee without Juyeon.

Juyeon, being a basketball boy, was not exactly your typical jock however, you could probably tell that he does sports. Chanhee on the other hand, who looked slightly like a nerd, was someone you would never expect to get a boyfriend.

But that didn't matter. The both of them have lasted for almost a whole year now and it seems like nothing could get in their way. In just two days, it would officially mark their 1 year anniversary. In two days, Juyeon would ask Chanhee out for prom.

He thought it through; Friday would mark their 1st year anniversary which would be the best time to ask Chanhee out properly for prom. It was already a given that you would go to prom with your significant other but Juyeon wanted to make it official.

He wanted to go the extra mile and actually ask instead of just assume that they'd go together. He bought stuff to give him and he had a whole plan already planned out and ready to be executed. All he needed left was help.

There was no better group of people to help him than Chanhee's two best friends: Younghoon and Changmin. First of all, having his friends help out would make it more special and second of all, they were the best unsuspecting candidates to distract Chanhee.

He kind of felt nervous asking Chanhee's best friends if they could help him asking their best friend out to prom but the moment he chatted Younghoon, the man agreed almost instantly. Changmin agreed too from what Younghoon said.

The plan was simple. Juyeon would give the things he had bought for Chanhee to both Changmin and Younghoon. They would give it to the boy, all without mentioning that the gifts were from him. That was part 1.

Part 2 is where it gets exciting. Juyeon would ask Chanhee to stay behind after class and head to the library. As he gets set up, Younghoon and Changmin would distract the boy— bring him to the canteen or supplies store. Do anything to pass the time.

While they were out, Juyeon would place a bouquet of flowers with a small card on it on top of their usual table and hide behind a bookshelf. Once they head back to the library, Chanhee would see the flowers and Juyeon would pop out of hiding.

With the flowers and card in hand, Juyeon would ask Chanhee right there and then if he would go to prom with him. See, simple and easy! Nothing can ruin his plans of asking Chanhee out. This whole thing seemed almost foolproof. Almost.

But of course, the universe just had to screw him over not once, but three times over. The universe screwed him over three times in just one day. It was technically just one event however, it could be counted as three times seeing as the event hit thrice.

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