🔵 My Omega [Nyukyu]

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Request: @_CrossGeneFlower_

All omegas knew that for them to be able to work, they had to take their own suppressants in order not to be affected by their heat while at work. Each job had different precautions when it comes to heats and omegas but it was usually just them having to take suppressants.

For Kpop idols, their heat protocols were a bit harsher and quite detrimental to the omega's health since they had to take suppressants all the time and can't go through heat unless they are on hiatus or on break, and that rarely happens.

Suppressants literally stops your heat from happening. In moderation, it is fine but idols have to stop their heats regularly. It piles up your monthly cycles that are important to an omega's health. You can see why this is detrimental to a person's health.

The Boyz has 4 alphas, 4 betas, and 3 omegas. It was a risk to have that much omegas around that amount of alphas but the company took the risk. Every member grew close during their trainee period and none of them wanted to leave each other.

Their leader, Sangyeon, was an alpha and took it upon himself to take care of his members, especially the omegas. He took notice to each member's dynamics with each other, all of their pairs and partners- romantic and platonic.

One pair that took Sangyeon's interest was Chanhee and Changmin, Nyukyu. Those two, both omegas, were the bestest of friends he has ever seen. Though they were a pair, he and everyone else expected Chanhee to romantically end up with Younghoon.

Imagine their shock when Chanhee took a break from his suppressants. "Goodness, I swear, if we go another week filled with work and no rest, I will resign." It was a joke but that didn't mean there was no truth behind his words.

They have been worked so much that year, none of them had time to rest. It has been exactly a year and a half since any of the omegas had their heat. Usually they would stop taking their suppressants when they're with their families but today was different.

They were given the week off but they weren't allowed to leave the dorms. Stupid really but it wasn't like they could go against the management. "Are any of you going to get off of your suppressants for the week?" Sangyeon asks the 3 omegas.

Changmin and Eric shook their heads but Chanhee nodded. "I feel like if I go longer without my heat, my body will collapse and my immune system will kill me." They pitied the boy but everyone knew that it couldn't be helped.

"If any of you need me, I will be in my room possibly binge-watching and crying." No one was worried with that since that was normal Chanhee behavior. The group went about their day, not minding that one of their members locked themselves in their room.

As expected, Chanhee's heat happened 2 days after he stopped taking his suppressants. The smell of cinnamon and roses flooded the entirety of the dorm. Sangyeon's first thought was to get the alpha's out there, immediately.

"His heat's going to get worse from here. He needs help." And of course, the member's first thought was to let Younghoon help the boy through his heat. That broke someone's heart a bit but he couldn't blame anyone for it.

Jacob approached the omega's door, knocking before speaking up. "Chanhee? Is there anyway we can help?" He fiddled with the knob only to find out it was open. Jacob was smart enough not to let more of the pheromones out through the door.

As Younghoon was about to approach the door, Chanhee whined from the inside. It sounded inaudible but it got louder and more clear. It was a name. Chanhee was calling out for someone, and it was not Younghoon nor was it an alpha.

"Ch- Changmin~ I n- need Ch- Changmin~" Chanhee whined his pheromones getting stronger the longer his heat got. His fellow omega's eyes widened. "M- me?" Changmin exclaims. "Changmin!" Chanhee's whines got more desperate.

Younghoon sighs in relief. "I was scared I have to do it myself. Thank the Moon goddess he craved for you." Changmin glared at the older boy. "Well," Sangyeon says. "Changmin, we'll leave you to help Chanhee... I suppose."

As the leader, Sangyeon should have expected this, seeing their connection, but he didn't. He was just as confused as everyone else. "See you later!" The rest of the members left the dorm to give the two omegas some privacy.

Changmin stared at the door unsurely. Soon enough, he knocked and opened the door. Chanhee was obviously in pain and Changmin wasn't sure how he was supposed to help. "Chanhee?" Chanhee whined, hearing the voice of the person he called for.

"It hurts." He cried. Changmin slowly approached the boy's bed and sat beside him. As if on instinct, Chanhee moved to place his head on the boy's lap, pushing himself as close to the other omega as possible. "I know.. I know.."

Changmin started to play with the boy's hair, calming him down even just a bit. "Will you stay?" Chanhee asks, voice filled with desperation. Changmin's heart fluttered. "I will." Without warning, Chanhee sat up and kissed Changmin on the lips.

The omega was shocked but kissed back. Chanhee was about to kiss him again but the pain in his stomach stopped him from doing so. He curled up against Changmin who held him in security. "I'll stay for you, my omega."

A/N: This chapter's not that great in my opinion 😭 I've been trying to catch up with chapters for all of my books but I really feel like my writing is not as good as before huhu


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