🔵 My first enemy [Chanhee Centric)

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Request: @lovelyzChanhee

Chanhee had a lot of enemies, believe it or not. Most of his enemies were actually his friends, not true enemies but there were times when Chanhee wanted to shove them down a cliff and watch them fall slowly. He didn't hate them, obviously, they just cross him at times.

Another enemy he had was, just like everyone else, the education system. As important going to school is, it is also the bane of literally everyone's existence. Chanhee was, you could say, a math ace but that didn't mean he was any good with his other subjects.

Like, who thought it would be a good idea to make kids go through so much subjects at the same time, give them homework and give them tests to check if they learnt something. Whoever thought of that should go to jail for child abuse, abusing a child mentally is still abuse.

Then again, that was just Chanhee being dramatic. Well, not entirely dramatic. More on, he was tired. Chanhee was very much mentally and to an extent, physically strained that he didn't know what to do with anything in his life anymore.

Chanhee's tiredness has affected much more than his mood swings and his mental capabilities, it had also affected his appetite and mental image. His image of himself was so bad, he began to have problems with his appetite and food.

That was his very first enemy, food. Before this whole dilemma had started, Chanhee had already started to have problems with food. He wasn't fat or anything. On the contrary, he was actually really thin, petite even for a boy his age.

His frame was already small and his weight just made him even smaller. That didn't mean he was short by any means, he was tall. With his frame, his height and his weight, every time he went to the doctors, they told him the same thing over and over again.

"You are underweight and malnourished."

He wasn't being abused, forced not to eat or anything like that. Chanhee just really didn't like to eat. Nothing his parents did would get him to eat. At the age of 7, all he ate for 3 years was a small bowl of oats and a banana or two when he felt a bit hungrier than usual.

His parents never really caught on because every time they ate as a family, Chanhee would section his plate and make it look like he is eating a lot but in reality, it was barely even anything. He never purged or vomited his food but he didn't eat anything either.

His body image of himself was so bad, he thought that if he got fat, he looked ugly. That was nothing CLOSE to the truth but that's how he felt. His relationship with food got better over time but with how how life was going, he was back to where he started.

It's been weeks since he's been home with his family, he was already homesick. Due to his busy schedule, he barely spends time with friends, his family or even alone. He just didn't have the time to do anything he wanted other than work- work- work- and more work.

The times he spends with his friends end up being not as fun as they used to. He wanted to relax but the fact that he seemed to not be having fun with his friends, that stressed him out even more. His mental health was going down and nothing he did could stop it.

"Chanhee! Taste the cookies Changmin made! Weirdly enough, they taste good." That earned Sunwoo as slap to the shoulder by none other than Changmin, himself. "I'm full, guys." Chanhee trued to get out of it but his friends were persistent.

His friends, he loved them so much but he didn't want them to worry. They may be part of his list of enemies but he still loves them nonetheless. "Come on, try some!" Chanhee stared at the cookie handed out for him to take.

His mind was blank. He didn't want to eat the cookie, that was way too much sugar and calories in one small desert. One batch of cookies is approximately 24 cookies, 2 cups of sugar and 1 and 3/4ths cup of chocolate chips which have their own amount of sugar.

The math is way too huge with the amount of sugar he could intake. At times, he hated being good at mental calculations. With a shaky hand, Chanhee picked up the cookie and took a small bite. "I- it's good! So yummy." He forced himself to say.

It was a good cookie. Changmin was a good baker but it wasn't his tastebuds he wanted to please. Chanhee wanted to please his body and hid mind, eating a cookie, even just a small bite was not helping his cause. "See! I knew you'd like it." Changmin says.

The group of boys continued on with their conversations, their attention moved from Chanhee to anything other than Chanhee once he took a bite of the cookie. If they lingered any longer, they would have seen Chanhee spitting something out.

"I- I'm going to the bathroom real quick, ok?" Chanhee whispers to the closet person to him which was Kevin. The boy nodded and went back to his conversation with Jacob. Chanhee ran to the bathroom and locked himself in a stall.

If his friends noticed how long he was taking, they would have heard him gagging his food out in the toilet. If they bothered checking up on him, they would have heard him cry his heart out. If they saw him, they would have known he was suffering.


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