🟢 8 Shots of Esspresso [Jaemsung]

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Jisung started his summer with his first shift in a café. He knew that he was going to end up working there but that didn't mean he was ready for it. Don't get him wrong, he was excited, ecstatic really, but if you know anything about Jisung, he was an awkward boy.

The café, much to his pleasure or displeasure, he has yet to decide, was made to be under his management. Owned and made by his parents, they wanted to open it under his name to give him some sort of responsibility during the summer.

Jisung had nearly forgotten about the café because of how long it took to actually build and decorate the area but he was reminded on the last day of school. "We'll be starting training next week. It's for 2 days and we'll open around next next week if there are no more problems."

It seemed too early to start the business for Jisung but the more he thought about it, he realized, what was the point of waiting longer to open if they already trained? The next thing he knew, Jisung was standing behind the counter, ready to take the orders of his first customers.

The amount of people who have ordered milk tea and frappes is a shocking amount for him. Who knew a lot of people liked that kind of stuff? Milk made his stomach hurt which made milk tea a no go and frappes? Don't get him started on that.

But one order struck him speechless. Around 3 o'clock, a person came in. Every time someone entered, Jisung would look over and wait for them to order. This person however, Jisung couldn't stop staring at him. He had pink hair, you can't blame him for being shock.

"Hello!" The customer says in a cheerful tone. He was way too cheerful for the afternoon but Jisung couldn't help but appreciate the enthusiasm. "Americano with 8 shots please." He did a double take. Jisung blinked. He blinked again. And again. And again.

The customer was being serious. He was cute but dang, he was crazy. Wait, did Jisung just think he was cute? Nah, he's being possessed. "A- are you sure, sir?" Jisung had to confirm before making the order. "Yup! Is it extra pay? I'm willing to pay more."

No, his order didn't require more payment. "I'm just concerned for your health, sir. 8 shots is... a lot." The customer looked like he was used to baristas telling him that. "I like it strong. Keeps me awake," he laughed. Jisung didn't really find that funny.

"Your order will be done soon, sir." Jisung handed him his change and receipt, watching as the boy stepped out of the line and waited at the side for his drink of death. As he made the drink, Jisung couldn't help but wonder, "Do you really want to die at a young age?"

The customer looked at him in shock. "I mean- not necessarily but- huh?" Jisung huffed. "Sweets are not good for you but neither is that much coffee." He handed him a cup of coffee. It did not look like what an Americano with 8 shots of espresso looked like.

That was because it isn't. "It may not be my business but I switched your order for a mochachinno." The customer looked at it and for a moment, Jisung was scared he was going to ask for a manager, seeing as Jisung was the manager as well. "Thank you..."

The look Jisung was receiving was telling him to say his name. "Jisung." "Thank you, Jisung. I shall drink this with love and joy." The customer grinnedJisung's face may have turned the same color as the man's hair but no one mentioned it.

"My name is Jaemin by the way." The customer whose name is finally revealed, had the audacity to smirk over at the boy. First day of the job and Jisung was not prepared to be flirted on. "Rest assured, I am going to be a regular here." If Jisung's face was not pink before, it was red now.

A co-worker of Jisung's called out to him, telling him to get back to work. Even though he was technically the manager, he still needed to be stirred to the right direction which his co-workers do. "I- I need to get back to work now... Sorry."

Jaemin shook his head. "I should say sorry for keeping you away from your job." With one last awkward smile, Jisung went back to work. He snuck glances at Jaemin, watching as he drank the coffee with a smile and kept his receipt on hand. Jaemin still kept it with him.

He didn't throw the piece of paper away. Jisung let out a happy sigh as he continued making coffees and drinks for more customers. The day ended and if you ask him, Jisung would call that a t first day, not only because of that pink haired boy.

Later that day, Jisung's phone dinged with a text notification. It was an unknown number but when he read the message, with a smile gracing his face, he knew exactly who it was. Jisung may not have given Jaemin his 8 shots but he sure did shoot his shot for a date.


1, 2, 3 Oneshots || NCT and The Boyzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें