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Chanhee woke up and began to get ready for the day. His routine stayed the same no matter what time he wakes up: wakes up, stretches, showers, changes his clothes, eats, heads to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, puts on make up, gets ready for school.

Every single day, without fail, that is what he does. He even does this on the weekends, minus the 'getting ready for school' part for obvious reasons. Sometimes, though very rarely, he even skips out on the 'puts makeup' part of his routine.

Whether he goes out or stays indoors, he never forgets a step to his routine. Chanhee's parents thought he had OCD at one point but after going to multiple doctors for check-ups and second opinions, they just told them he was fine.

If it wasn't obvious, Chanhee didn't like change. Everything had to be within his control or else he would freak out. That does sound like some sort of OCD but once again, multiple doctors have told them that Chanhee was fine, that he had no OCD.

His hair has been the same shade of pink for over 4 years, ever since he entered his current high school. You would think he'd get tired of the same shade of light bubblegum pink on his head but nope. On the contrary, he loved that color a bit too much.

It was a good thing that the people around him liked the color on the boy as well. Never have they seen his hair either a different color or in a natural shade, not that they were complaining. It wasn't like they could complain, his friends were there to defend him.

His friends have been the same people ever since all of them met the same year he transferred. They started off on a rocky road but they got closer by the end of that year. A group of 11 boys may seem like a lot but to Chanhee, it was the proper amount.

Why need a small group of friends and have other friends outside of that group when you can just have a big group of friends and no other friends outside of that group? That was a good deal for the boy, if you were to ask him.

He loved his friends dearly but even he knew that they had their flaws, mostly with how much they talk. It isn't that they purposefully tell people secrets, it just so happens that whenever they talk about secretive stuff, they talk a bit too.. loudly.

It's not that Chanhee doesn't trust his friends, it's just that there were some things he rather not tell them in fear of someone listening in on their conversation and that secret spreading around the whole school, which has happened before but not with Chanhee.

There was this one time that Kevin told the group that his mother had cancer and was close to dying and for some reason (the group talking about it a bit too loudly), the whole school found out the next day and spread that his mother actually died.

Chanhee wasn't innocent with talking a bit too loudly. He doesn't really talk much but he does get caught up with the energy of everyone else that he sometimes doesn't realize how loud they were being whenever they talk about things.

When the school found out about Kevin's situation, they sent him condolences and gifts. They were all confused but when they realized what had happen, Chanhee took a mental note not to tell any of his friends certain things to avoid this type of situation.

Other than his vibrant pink hair and huge friend group, Chanhee was practically invisible. He blends in with his peers to the point no one really knew who he was other than being the boy with pink hair and the teacher's pet in math class.

One things Chanhee also hated was physical education or anything sporty or very physical at that. Who needed to learn how to set a volleyball properly when a lot of people aren't even going to play volleyball professionally in the future?

The heat and sweat that accumulates whenever they enter the gym for PE, he hated it so much. Thankfully for him and his lanky frame, he was excused from any physical activity because of a note his mother made for him prior to every school year.

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