🟢 Regret [Winyang]

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Yangyang stormed out of the house without any plan on where to go. He and his husband have been fighting for weeks now and no one seems to see the end of it. Of course Yangyang still loved his husband and he just hopes the other still feels the same way.

It was the married couple's nth fight that month and Yangyang just got tired of it. No- he wasn't going to file a divorce. He was just going to find a one moment solution for all of his problems- alcohol. Where he was going to get alcohol- no one knows.

That's why Yangyang was aimlessly walking around in the rain, trying to find a bar that would peek his heartbroken interest. 'In The Rain' A bar known for its 'healing' drinks for heartbroken people- that's the bar he decided to go to to fix his problems.

"Welcome to In The Rain- what can I get you?" A nice bartender greeted him as Yangyang took a seat? "Have anything strong enough to make me forget everything?" Yangyang asked, looking heartbroken and tired.

The bartender nodded, understanding the situation his costumer was in. "I'll make something for you." Yangyang nodded gratefully and waited for his drink to be served. (A/N: I don't know anything about alcohol so- use your imagination)

"Here you are!" The bartender returned with 5 shots of something and gave them to Yangyang. "So, anyways- what brings you here?" The bartender started to make small talk as Yangyang downs the shots given to him. Yangyang sighed.

"Fight with my husband...." Yangyang confessed. "At this point- I don't even remember what started the fight.." The bartender sympathize with the boy. "How long have you two been married for?" Yangyang paused to remember.

"Maybe around 4 years now... We got married quite early." Yangyang says. "Got married right after the first year of collage. Been dating since senior high." The bartender nodded, taking in every single word Yangyang said. "So- you're still together?"

Yangyang nodded, motioning for more shots. "I honestly have no thoughts of divorcing him, you know? I love him too much... But it still hurts whenever we fight..." Yangyang says, slurring a bit as he gets drunker with every shot.

The bartender gave him more shots. "Tell me about your husband." That made Yangyang perk up and become a tiny bit sober. "Oh my- where do I start..." The bartender nodded as Yangyang rambled about his husband. 'Just a little bit more...'


Sicheng groaned as he was awoken from his nap by his phone ringing obnoxiously in his ear. "Hello?" Sicheng says groggily. "Is this Dong Sicheng?" An unfamiliar voice was heard through the phone. "Who is this?" Sicheng exclaims, now fully awake.

"Um... Are you perhaps the husband of Dong Yangyang?" Sicheng's eyes widened at the name of his husband. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YANGYANG? WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS HE?" The Chinese male bombarded the stranger with questions.

'Oh- he's going to be in big trouble.' Sicheng thought as he drove to the bar the stranger told him his husband was in. "Where is he?" Sicheng muttered to himself, scanning the whole bar. "Excuse me? Are you Mr. Sicheng?"

Sicheng's head snapped to the person who talked to him and nodded. "Right.. Follow me." Sicheng wordlessly followed the man to where he hopes his husband was. A few minutes later, there he was- a drunk Yangyang crying his heart out.

"Thank you. I'll deal with it from here." The man nodded and left the two husbands together. Sicheng sighed as he inched closer and closer to his husband. "Yangyang. Stop drinking this instant and go home." Sicheng says.

Yangyang, being the resistant drunk he is- denied Sicheng's request and continued to down some shots. "Liu Yangyang." Sicheng says in a cold tone, calling his husband by his maiden name. "NO! I wanna drown in my sorrows!"

That made Sicheng angry. "Liu. Yang. Yang." Yangyang glared back at the older. "Who are you to even boss me around? My mom?" That made the older Chinese male even angrier. "I'm your husband." Yangyang shook his head.

"NOO~ I have a husband?" Yangyang cries. "I want to marry Dong Sicheng! Not you~" He cried. Sicheng raised an eyebrow and placed his jacket on the drunk man. Sicheng smirked and leaned to Yangyang's ear. "Do you feel wronged to marry me, Liu Yangyang?"

A/N: Not the best but I guess you could say I got inspired to write this because of this one tiktok I saw saying that Yangyang saw a fan's Weibo post of a short AU of him and Winwin and he gave the go signal to make a fanfic-

that man scares me-

that man scares me-

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