🔵 Love Again [Hakjoon/Hwallhak]

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A/N: Sequel to Bye My First.... and Best Friend 

Today was the day that Hyunjun decided to confront his best friend. Ever since he got a girlfriend, Haknyeon has been drifting farther and farther away from him. In some ways, he knew it was his fault and it hurt.

He was always ignoring his best friend just because of his girlfriend. Whenever Haknyeon wanted to hang out, he would always make an excuse just to stay with his girlfriend. Whenever there was an event that concerns Haknyeon, he always misses it.

All because of his girlfriend. He told himself that he loved his girlfriend. She was there when he needed someone. She was there when he's in his happiest moments. She was always there for him and he vowed to always be there for her too.

'But Haknyeon was also there for you whenever you needed him.'

Hyunjun's consciousnesses reminded him. No matter how much he wished to deny it, there was no argument that his best friend was more emotionally present for him than his the girlfriend he claims to love and claims to love him.

His best friend has been there for him whenever he needed him. But where was he when Haknyeon needed him? Was he just one call away? Was he always willing to drop everything to help Haknyeon? Was he present when Haknyeon needed him most?

The answer to all of that was sadly no. He wasn't there when his best friend needed him. He wasn't just a call away. He wasn't willing to drop everything to help Haknyeon. He wasn't there when he needed him the most. All because he was too busy with his girlfriend.

Speaking of this infamous girlfriend of his, she was on a week long vacation with her family. "A week too long without you." Hyunjun told her once before she left. She just smiled and laughed at his clinginess. She told him not to worry and that the week will fly fast.

The fact that he would be separated from her for a week made him sad but now that he thinks about it, the last thing she told him made him feel weird. She has told this thing to him over and over again and yet, this was the only time he found it... wrong.

"If you're missing me, don't be shy to call or text me. But please, I don't want you talking to other people, especially that boy- Hakjeon or something. He doesn't seem like a good influence on you and you know I want what's best for you."

Hyunjun knew that she was talking about Haknyeon. Of course, he knew it was about his best friend. He knew that she messed up his name on purpose. How could she forget his name when Hyunjun mentions his best friend almost everyday.

That's when he snapped. He was done with trying to abide to everything his girlfriend said to keep her happy. He was done with allowing her to control his life. This time, it was time to do whatever would make him happy. That included talking to Haknyeon.

"Can we talk?" Hyunjun's sudden appearance shocked Haknyeon. He looked over at the group of people he was with, hoping they would disagree and drag him away. Definitely not what happened. "Take him! We're not doing anything anyways."

Hyunjun shot them a grateful smile while Haknyeon subtly glared at them. They knew about his failing friendship and unrequited crush on the boy and they believed they needed to talk things out. Haknyeon may glare at them but it was for the best.

Hyunjun dragged Haknyeon away to the back of the school. It wasn't exactly the back of the school but it was as close to the back as students are allowed to go. There were no other students loitering there to their luck.

Haknyeon leaned against the wall and stared at Hyunjun. "Want to talk or?" "Yeah, we'll... Let's talk." The older of the two expected Hyunjun to start explaining himself but the boy didn't. They just stood there in silence and awkwardness.

"If you're not going to talk, I'll just leave." Before Haknyeon could take a step away, Hyunjun grabbed on his wrist and pulled him to stay. "Stay, please. I'll- I'll talk." Haknyeon felt dejected. He wanted to leave but he needed to hear his explanation.

With a sigh, Haknyeon went back to his position on the wall and stared at the boy he shared a birthday with. "Talk." Never in his life had Hyunjun felt intimidated by Haknyeon than now. He cleared his throat and finally began,

"I just want to ask why you're drifting away from me," Hyunjun says in full confidence. "Why do you think?" Haknyeon whispered under his breath. Though it was muffled, Hyunjun understood what he said. That made him feel more guilty.

The boy cleared his throat again. "I'm asking you for your side... I know my side and I just want to know if... it's the same thing." Haknyeon sighs. "Why am I drifting away from you? Perhaps it's because of you and that girlfriend of yours?"

There was a tone with how Haknyeon said girlfriend, like he was bitter about it. "You mean ex?" Hyunjun suddenly says. Haknyeon let out a sound of shock. "I broke up with her for reasons... I guess those reasons concern you in a way."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Haknyeon stared to shake his head. "Do NOT blame me for breaking your relationship-" "I'm not. Don't worry." Hyunjun disagrees. "It's not your fault exactly.. More on, I realized things because of you."

"She's been controlling who I interact with and I realized how toxic that was..." Haknyeon was silent the whole time Hyunjun explained himself. "I realized how she gets jealous and how she keeps on pushing me away from you."

Haknyeon still didn't say a word. "You're my best friend and I-" Hyunjun stopped before he could say more. "... I realized how she nor anyone should not be able to ruin our relationship, our friendship." Still no comments nor reactions.

That's when Hyunjun thought of something, something that would hopefully give him the reaction that he longed for- that he needed. Don't ask him what specific reaction he was looking for because he didn't know. He just needed a reaction.

'The letter.'

Hyunjun rushed to get out the letter which made him clumsy and drop more stuff than he should. Haknyeon's lip twitched, wanting to laugh and smile at his be- his friend but he forced himself to not take notice and ignore the boy.

"Here. Read it." Hyunjun shoved the letter at Haknyeon's general direction which thankfully, Haknyeon was able to catch before it fell to the floor. "A- Are you sure I should read this?" Hyunjun nodded. He didn't care anymore. He needed to tell Haknyeon how he felt.

As Haknyeon reads the letter, word by word, Hyunjun felt his confidence fade. Haknyeon had a blank expression from the beginning, making it hard for Hyunjun to tell what he was feeling or thinking. Was he taking it well? Was he mad? No one knows.

"Hwall." Hyunjun flinched at the use of his old nickname. No one had called him that name ever since he grew it out when he was 17 but now that his best friend used it in this case, he couldn't help but feel wary. Haknyeon can be scary when he wants to.

"You know you've hurt me, right?" Hyunjun nodded sadly. "But... you know that you are my best friend no matter what, right?" His sad look turned into one that is hopeful. Haknyeon folded the letter and placed it in his back pocket.

"Was... Was everything written here true?" Nod. "You're a jerk, you know that." Nod. Haknyeon rolled his teary eyes and hugged Hyunjun. "You better make it up to me, you asshole." From one teary eyed person to another, Hyunjun hugged him back.


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