🟢 Haunted House [Renwin]

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There was a fare happening for the whole month and Sicheng thought it would be a good idea to go there with Renjun. The Chinese couple both enjoyed fares and carnivals no matter where they go, Sicheng more than Renjun to be honest.

Renjun was weak-hearted compared to Sicheng who enjoyed thriller rides. Renjun was more of a game booth person compared to his boyfriend. Usually whenever they go to fares or carnivals, Renjun would stay behind and watch Sicheng go on those rides.

This time, Sicheng made it his life's mission to make Renjun go on all of these booths that would fall under his category of scary. At first Renjun was adamant on not going but after a few bribes with ice cream and free snacks, Renjun made up his mind which he would soon regret.

The younger boy was reluctantly pulled into a line with his boyfriend. "Are you sure about this?" Renjun gulped, looking up at the signage that held the name of what they were lining up for. Sicheng nodded, looking at the entrance of the booth. "Isn't it exciting?"

"Sure..." Nothing about this screamed exciting for Renjun but Sicheng seemed excited which he did find endearing and sweet, minus the fact that he was scared out of his mind. At the thought of entering the booth, Renjun held Sicheng tightly.

Sicheng reciprocated the tight hold in hopes to comfort him. "It's just a Haunted House, Injun-ah. Nothing to be scared off, I promise." Renjun was sure that the whole purpose of a Haunted House was to be scared but whatever Sicheng says.

The line was a bit long which prolonged their wait. That didn't help with the younger boy's nerves. The closer they got to the entrance, Sicheng would jump in his place like a little kid while Renjun swore he could hear his heart beating.

They counted five more people before them. Renjun's hands were sweaty and his heart wouldn't start palpitating. Sicheng was also experiencing the same thing but for a whole different reason, he was excited while Renjun was scared.

The entrance was dark and cold, a large contrast to the warm and colorful outside of the carnival. Sicheng took his boyfriend's hand and led him inside. The inside was decorated in a way everyone expects a Haunted House to be decorated.

It was covered in cobwebs and fake spiders, skulls and red lights were also scattered around to add to the ambiance. Nothing was too remotely scary but that didn't ease Renjun's nerves. The pair kept on walking and looking around. 

Every time they pass a skeleton, Renjun would jump in fear while Sicheng laughs at him. "It's just a skeleton, love. Nothing to fear." And every time Sicheng would laugh, Renjun would just hit his arm and move closer to the boy's arm.

The two continued further into the house and instead of getting better, it honestly got worse. The lights kept flickering every now and then to add to the suspense. All it did though was scare Renjun into pissing himself. That made Sicheng laugh.

In the very center of the Haunted House, the two boys entered a maze like area where the lights were close to none. It was dark and cold and even with how tight Renjun was holding onto Sicheng, he felt his fingers slip away.

"S- Sicheng? Ge?" Renjun shakily calls out for his boyfriend. There was no reply. The younger boy was close to tears. "Gege? Gege?" As tears were already starting to fall from Renjun's eyes, a hand slipped into his own. It was familiar.

"Ge?" Renjun called, squeezing the hand. "Please don't leave me again." Sicheng's familiar laugh echoed through Renjun's ears. "I'm sorry, love. I got a bit carried away with the experience, I didn't mean to frighten you on purpose."

There was a part of the house that had a table with only a red light above it and a glass vase that held roses- nearly dead to be exact. Something tells Renjun to not go anywhere near it but it was inevitable to pass since the only way was beside it. 

"Come on." Sicheng practically had to drag Renjun to go pass the table when all of a sudden, the wall behind the table opened and out came a person dressed as a ghost. Long hair covering their face and a loud scream to scare the customers.

Renjun screamed so loudly that he crouched down and covered his own ears. His eyes were shut tight and tears spilled down his face. Renjun knew he was shaking but he couldn't stop himself even if he tried. He was just so scared.

The boy slowly opened his eyes and tried to look around for comfort from his boyfriend, nothing. That made him panic even more. Not only was he alone, his boyfriend was missing- he was scared. Renjun didn't know what to do.

His breaths were harsh and irregularly quick. His chest felt like steel. Every time he took a deep breath, his breathing pattern would go back to becoming quicker than a normal human being, forcing him to feel faint and nauseous.

Renjun could barely feel his face with the panic that over took his body. The spooky background noises didn't help Renjun calm down. "Stop it! Stop it, please!" He exclaims through tears. A figure suddenly approached the boy.

"Renjun-" It placed a hand on Renjun's shoulder who flinched and screamed. "Get away from me, please! Get away!" "Shh.. Shh.. It's me, love." Sicheng says, hushing the boy to calm down. "It's alright. It's going to be fine..."

Renjun's eyes went wide as he scrambled to cling unto his boyfriend. He cried on Sicheng's shoulder, holding him close. Sicheng patted Renjun's back in a steady manner to calm him down. Slowly, Renjun did calm down though he didn't stop crying.

A worker from the haunted house led the couple out of the room, taking shortcuts to avoid the other jump scares. Sicheng carried his boyfriend all the way out. He held Renjun tight, not wanting to let him go ever again.

"Thank you..." Sicheng thanked the worker and walked away from the haunted house, still holding onto Renjun. Once he found an empty bench, he sat the both of them down to rest and calm down their high-rising emotions. 

"I hate you so much." Renjun mutters into Sicheng's shoulder. The boy smiled but at the same time, he felt guilty- he knew he was guilty. Who wouldn't feel guilty if you left someone you promised to protect alone just to have your own selfish fun?

Sicheng squeezed Renjun's hand quickly, "I know... I'm sorry." Renjun raised his head from Sicheng's shoulder and looked at him straight into his eyes. "You know I love you, right? I'm pissed but I don't blame you, ok? ...I love you."

Sicheng stared at his boyfriend. Guilt still ate at him but with his words, he felt better. Sicheng raised his right hand and tilted Renjun's chin to kiss him. "I'm so sorry, my love..." A tear fell from Sicheng's eye which Renjun wiped away. "I love you too."

A/N: I've been so busy that my brain isn't giving me any story/oneshot ideas 😭 I hate that so much 😢


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