🔵 We're Here [Kevin Centric]

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Request: @KevinsSingingIsLife (I hope this chapter is fine 😁)

Kevin was tired- both physically and mentally. Sure, he had his boyfriends to help him out but he didn't want to burden them with his own burdens. They all had their own problems- especially since they're preparing for a comeback, so telling them about his problems didn't seem ideal.

Kevin was the type to keep to himself. He rather deal with all of his problems and stresses by himself than rant to someone or talk to a therapist. Some people work better like that but they still have their breaking points.

One day, all of that built up emotion and stress will take a toll on him. And took a toll on him it did. I guess his body couldn't take the stress anymore that it made his body shut down- in other words, Kevin was sick. He woke up that morning, cold and in pain.

He slowly reached for a thermometer that he kept on his side table to check his temperature. Just as he thought, a whooping 40.8 degrees. 'Just great.' Kevin groaned, flopping his head onto his pillow before wincing in pain.

As stupid as it sounds, he didn't want to tell anyone that he was sick. They had practice and if he told them, no one will end up practicing. They had to practice for their comeback. They had to practice for TheB.

Kevin was brought out of his thoughts when Sunwoo flopped on the bed with him. "Hyung! Time for practice~" Thankfully, the boy was too high on adrenaline that he didn't notice Kevin's high temperature. "Yeah- yeah-"

Kevin gave a convincing smile and forced himself to get ready for practice. He doesn't usually wear makeup for practices since it's not going to be filmed anyways but that morning, he put on a layer of foundation and concealer to hide his eye-bags and pale face.

"Come on!" Sunwoo cheerfully grabbed his hands and dragged him out of his room to join the others. "Hey..." Chanhee stood beside the sick boy. "Hey..." Kevin replied back, trying to look cheerful and energetic like he usually is- like how everyone sees him.

Just then, after a head count, Sangyeon exclaims that they should all head to the company for practice. One by one, they each piled into their vans- 4 members in each van (3 in the last one if you're too lazy to do the maths).

Kevin piled into the van with Chanhee and Juyeon. Poor Changmin, he was stuck with the maknaes. "Are you ok?" Chanhee asks once they settled into the van. Kevin nodded, though his head hurt. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"


Kevin was not fine, no matter what he told his boyfriends- it's not like they noticed anything different with the boy. Sure, only Chanhee and Hyunjae noticed something was off with the boy but after a few questions, they dropped it.

Right now, they were on their 3rd round of practice. They were only given a 5 minute break after their 1st round but after that, they weren't going to be given a break until they perfect the dance. The dance itself isn't making things easier for Kevin.

It was fast, charismatic and with a lot of movement (Maverick if you will). With a pounding headache, an aching body, and a fever that doesn't seem to be dropping- you could imagine how much pain Kevin was in and no one knew.

"One more! One and two and three-" Kevin tried his best to catch up to the others but that was proven difficult. Sure, he wasn't the only one struggling to catch up- namely Chanhee- but he was way behind everyone else, including Chanhee.

"Kevin!" Changmin exclaimed in annoyance. They all stopped and stared at the said boy who was even paler than earlier. "I'm sorry- I'm.. I'm sorry... Let's try this again?" Changmin pouted but nodded. They then practice again.

Kevin tried, he really did but his body just wouldn't allow it. "One- two- KEVIN!" Kevin tried to catch up but his knees buckled. Thankfully, Haknyeon and Sunwoo were beside him. "Kevin, you're late on this part... Again."

Kevin tried to stand up straight and try again but he suddenly felt lightheaded. "Kevin?" "I..." Shocking everyone, Kevin suddenly dropped on his spot and crumpled up. "KEVIN!" They all rushed to the unconscious boy and checked up on him.

"He- he's burning up." Jacob says. All of their eyes widened. "Practice is over. We have to take care of Kevin." Juyeon says, scooping Kevin up in his arms. They all packed up their stuff and headed back to their dorms.


Kevin woke up 3 hours after he fainted. As he woke up, he was greeted by the sight of Jacob, Sangyeon, Chanhee and Younghoon peering over him. "G- guys?" Kevin coughed right after, alerting everyone in the room.

"KEVIN!" Jacob exclaims. "Why didn't you tell us you were sick?" Kevin opened his mouth but closed it once again once he realized how stupid his excuse would sound. "I'm sorry..." Was the only thing he could say. The atmosphere was tense.

"Kev-" "I didn't want to worry any of you..." Kevin whispered. "I- I thought I could deal with this myself so that you guys can just focus on practice but I guess I overestimated myself..." That made The Boyz feel sad and useless.

Haknyeon jumped on the bed with Kevin and hugged him tightly. "Hyung- you don't have to deal with everything by yourself.. We're here for you." The rest nodded in agreement. "Why don't we watch a movie?" Sangyeon suggested.

"CRUELLA!" Eric exclaimed, running to the living room. They all laughed at the youngest. "Let's go?" Hyunjae motioned for Kevin to follow them. Kevin would follow with but there was still a clinging piggy on his chest who seemed to have no plans in letting go.

Hyunjae smiled knowingly and grabbed Haknyeon from behind, carrying him by his armpits. "Hyung~" Haknyeon pouted. Hyunjae laughed and looked at Kevin. "Come on. Eric and Juyeon might eat all of the food." Kevin laughed slightly and followed.


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