🟢 Email [Noren]

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A/N: The ship is Noren but technically, the main character of this oneshot is Donghyuck

Renjun and Donghyuck have been friends for over 5 years. They were classmates ever since the both of them moved to the same school but their friendship only began after 5 years of being classmates. Better late than never, I say.

They stopped being classmates once high school started. It was sad for both boys but they never stopped their friendship because of it. Every break they had, they would spend it together, making up for the time they've spent apart.

During that year, Donghyuck noticed how many people fawned over Renjun. Puberty has served him well and now people of all genders seem to have an interest in him. Unlucky for them since Renjun had a very sassy bodyguard by his side at all times.

During the middle of the year. Donghyuck saw how much his best friend pined over this one dude. He wasn't going to get into the details yet since looking back, he wished to never remember it but let's just say, nothing came out of the pining.

Renjun had developed a crush on his classmate. Reminder, they weren't in the same class which meant, Donghyuck saw his best friend's crush every day in class and while at lunch, he would see Renjun try to sneak looks at the guy.

Long story short, they talked over text, they ignored each other on site, everyone who knew them could tell that they had mutual feelings for each other and yet, they fell apart and stopped talking. That was the last Donghyuck heard of that crush.

3 years have passed and all of them were in the 10th grade now. Renjun hasn't mentioned any new crushes nor his old crush for the past few year to which, Donghyuck thought nothing of it since, he too forgot all about that silly crush.

They still weren't classmates during their 4th year of high school, much to their dismay. Their schedules were a mess at the beginning of the year but it worked out in the end. 'Til one day during lunch time, Donghyuck noticed something different.

"Hyuck, take a look at this!" Jaemin, one of their other friends says, trying to move Donghyuck's attention to the crossword puzzle they were doing. Donghyuck looked at the small booklet but looked up again. 'Since when did those two start talking?'

This has been happening, though not very frequently, but more than usual. Donghyuck has never really seen Renjun and him talk any time prior but with the way they were conversing in front of him, they looked like old friends.

Jaemin looked unbothered by it, which make Donghyuck come to the conclusion that he knew something was up. Donghyuck didn't mind that Jaemin knew things about Renjun that he didn't since they were classmates, but it did sting a bit.

Donghyuck gave a *not so subtle* glare at the boy as he conversed with Renjun. What were they talking about and since WHEN did they start talking? Donghyuck felt too shy and conscious to ask any of his friends for answers but those questions stuck to him.

When he got home that day, he still couldn't stop thinking of that. He has caught them talking a few times before at the beginning of the year but this seems different. Only now did Donghyuck think there was something Renjun was not telling him.

Gathering up courage, he grabbed his phone and opened his chat with his best friend. He didn't really know how to open the topic about Renjun and his old crush talking to each other again but after a lot of discarded messages, he finally sent one.

Hyuck ☀️

I have a question

Hyuck ☀️
You don't have to answer it
if you don't want to-
I just want to know

Jun 🦊
Uhhhh... yeah?
Lmao im scared

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