🔵 Let me go [Sunnew]

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Nothing hurts a parent more than passing down a sickness or disease to their own child. What makes it worse is that they couldn't do anything to stop it, so now the child has to live with the sickness crushing down on their shoulders.

The Choi family wasn't an exemption to this. Mr. and Mrs. Choi have always blamed themselves for putting their son- their only son in this position. What position, you may ask? Laying down on his bed with a disease- Huntington's disease.

This disease is hereditary and sadly, both Mr. and Mrs. Choi's family has history with this incurable disease. Thankfully Mrs. Choi has never developed the disease but sadly, Mr. Choi has and he unwillingly passed it down to their son.

Chanhee has been suffering due to this for the past 21 years of his life. When he was young- it wasn't that severe. Sure- there were times where he'd have a hard time breathing and talking but other than that- he was able to enjoy his childhood.

What made the boy's childhood even greater was his childhood best friend and sweetheart, Kim Sunwoo. Unlike Chanhee, Sunwoo was a very healthy boy but that doesn't mean he treats Chanhee differently.  Sure, he had special treatment but nothing more than that.

He met Sunwoo one day at the age of 6 while having his weekly check up. The boy had just sprained his ankle while playing soccer and for some reason, Chanhee was enamored. They kept talking until their friendship turned into a relationship.

Symptoms for Huntington's disease usually start at ages 30 - 50 but sadly for Chanhee, his started when he was 2 years old. By the time he hit 6 months, he already tested positive. We couldn't- no, we shouldn't call this a miracle because it is not.

This is what we should call a medical mystery. No one knows why Chanhee's symptoms started that early or how it manifested that quick. A bunch of doctors want to experiment on the poor boy but of course, his parents wouldn't allow it.

Due to the fact that it was caught early on, the doctors were able to do the possible treatments to help subside the sickness. Then again, there was no cure. That was the only reason why Chanhee was able to live until the age he was now, 21.

Both of his parents and Sunwoo always try to make the boy feel comfortable and yet, as normal as possible, as if he didn't have this fatal disease looming over him, slowly but surely destroying his life. Chanhee was thankful for that.

They were the only reasons why he was still fighting- why he still tries to fight. Everyday, without fail, all three of them would tell him to keep fighting his sickness. Words of encouragement to remind him and let him know that it was still worth it.

Everyday, Chanhee would go through a series of treatments, medicines and tests. They all say the results were worth it. But was it really? Every time he fights, the sickness just fights back twice as hard. It was getting tiring.

At this point, Chanhee was just fighting for his parents and for Sunwoo. Was he even fighting for himself? He was fighting, yes, but was he really willing to go through more tests, medicines, treatments, therapies, just to get better?

When he has the time to be alone, Chanhee would often think. Was it really worth fighting something that was already a losing battle? He remembered that in some books he had read, fighting just ended up hurting more.

Chanhee kept thinking of that even as all of his loved ones told him how he should not give up hope. This was a losing battle and Chanhee knew it. If it was like any of the books he has read, fighting would just end up killing him more.

The more he fought, the weaker he becomes. No amount of medicine nor support can give him the power to battle this sickness. As hard as it is, it may be time for Chanhee to just give up and accept his fate. It was time they all accept it.

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