🟢 Books [Doil]

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Doyoung ran to the library, hoping to get there in time before his best friend could scold him for being late. "Ow-" Doyoung wasn't looking at where he was going and in the end, he bumped into a person, he dropped all of his books and he was late.

"I am so so sorry!" Doyoung flinched due to the pain he felt on his head and looked up to look at the person he bumped into. "I'm so so so so-" "It's alright, Taeil hyung!" Doyoung gave his hyung a bunny smile. Taeil sighed.

"I should have watched where I was going- I'm so so sor-" "Hyung-" Doyoung cut off the older. "It's fine. Look, I'm alright! You don't have to keep on apologizing.." Taeil pouted. "But-" "Hyung~" Doyoung says with a warning tone. "Don't you have class?"

Taeil jumped up. "OH- NO!" Taeil exclaimed. He messily picked up the books he was carrying and ran to his class, not looking back at the younger that he accidentally bumped into. "This hyung really-" Doyoung snickered.

The bunny looking boy picked up the remaining books that were laying on the floor for they were his and nod Taeil's. "Huh- what's this?" Doyoung picked up a small book that wasn't part of the stack of books he was carrying.

"Must be Taeil hyung's book..." Doyoung says. "He must have forgotten it..." Keeping the book with him, Doyoung just casually walked to the library- ready for his best friend to scold him for being late. "You're late." Doyoung rolled his eyes.

"And I care?" Taeyong gasped in offense. "Dude- my time is precious and you just wasted 5 minutes of it." Doyoung rolled his eyes again. "Yeah- yeah- yeah- let's just get this over with so that I don't waste more of your precious time~"

The two best friends found a table in the library and started their project. "Do you have the- wait- who's book is this?" Taeyong was asking for a book that they need for reference but stumbled upon a book that he didn't ask Doyoung to bring.

"It's Taeil hyung's book... I bumped into him on the way and he accidentally left it 'cause he was almost late for class..." Doyoung says as he reads a book, not looking at Taeyong at all. "Oh- like- graduating this year Taeil hyung?" Doyoung nodded.

"Do you think we can read it?" Doyoung stopped reading and looked at his best friend. "Yong, are you stupid? That's invasion of privacy!" Taeyong pouted. "But doesn't it interest you? Like- what kind of secrets is Taeil hyung hiding?"

"Forget about it, Tae.." Doyoung says, pursing his lips. "Fine- fine~" Taeyong dropped the topic and reached to get the book he needed. 'Forget about it... Forget it...' Doyoung said to himself. He couldn't forget about it- now he wanted to know what the older was hiding.


The book was basically calling to Doyoung through out the whole day. Sadly, ever since that time where they bumped, Doyoung hasn't been able to see the older anywhere in the campus meaning he still had the older's book in hand.

'Read me~ Read me~' The book was literally calling to the bunny looking boy. 'No-' 'Read me~' "NO!" Doyoung suddenly exclaims out loud. "No what? What's wrong, hyung?" Jungwoo, Doyoung's younger brother asked in shock and confusion.

"N- nothing, Woo- ah.." Doyoung shook his head. "Just continue working on your homework, oki?" Jungwoo nodded and continued his homework, leaving his older brother to ponder upon himself. 'Should I read it?' He asks himself.

Long story short- Doyoung was now on his bed, reading Taeil's book. "So it's a diary~" Doyoung comments as if it weren't already obvious. "Aww~ He starts each entry with 'Dear, Diary'- so cute..." Wait- since when did Doyoung think that Taeil was cute?

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